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soundproof 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Preventing, or constructed of material that prevents, the passage of sound,
  1. Preventing, or constructed of material that prevents, the passage of sound
    • - there was a soundproof, state-of-the-art recording studio
  1. Make (a room or building) resistant to the passage of sound

  1. impervious to, or not penetrable by, sound; "a soundproof room"
  2. insulate against noise; "Proust had his apartment soundproofed"
  3. Soundproof was a 2006 BBC television drama, directed by Edmund Coulthard and written by Joe Fisher. It starred Joseph Mawle and Susan Lynch as a profoundly deaf man accused of murder and his sign-language interpreter. It was conducted partly in sign-language and subtitles. ...
  4. Soundproofing is any means of reducing the sound pressure with respect to a specified sound source and receptor (noise control). ...
  5. To make resistant to transmitting sound; Describing something that does not allow sound through
  6. (Soundproofing) (1) The design and construction of a building or unit to reduce sound transmission. (2) The materials and assemblies used in a building or unit to reduce sound transmission.
  7. (Soundproofing) Blocking sound transmission from one space to another space.
  8. (Soundproofing) Usually meant for stopping noise coming in or out of an area. Here is where you wish to stop or reduce noise from traffic like roads or railways. At the same time something around you within your house maybe the cause of the noise like an HVAC system or type of loud machinery. ...