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soothe 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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soothed, past participle; soothes, 3rd person singular present; soothing, present participle; soothed, past tense;
  1. Gently calm (a person or their feelings)
    • - a shot of brandy might soothe his nerves
  2. Reduce pain or discomfort in (a part of the body)
    • - to soothe the skin try chamomile or thyme
  3. Relieve or ease (pain)
    • - it contains a mild anesthetic to soothe the pain

  1. comfort: give moral or emotional strength to
  2. cause to feel better; "the medicine soothes the pain of the inflammation"
  3. (soothing) affording physical relief; "a soothing ointment for her sunburn"
  4. (soothing) assuasive: freeing from fear and anxiety
  5. Soothe is a Bjørn Lynne dance album released in 2004.
  6. To calm or placate someone or some situation; To ease or relieve pain or suffering; To bring comfort or relief
  7. (soothing (the mind)=() dil navaz) zavan lid
  8. Conserved egg white in aerosol/spray bottles, used for creamy drinks ( invented in America ).