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soot 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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A black powdery or flaky substance consisting largely of amorphous carbon, produced by the incomplete burning of organic matter,
  1. Cover or clog (something) with soot

  1. A black powdery or flaky substance consisting largely of amorphous carbon, produced by the incomplete burning of organic matter

  1. coat with soot
  2. carbon black: a black colloidal substance consisting wholly or principally of amorphous carbon and used to make pigments and ink
  3. Soot is a general term that refers to impure carbon particles resulting from the incomplete combustion of a hydrocarbon. ...
  4. Soot is a language manipulation and optimization framework consisting of intermediate languages for the Java programming language. ...
  5. Fine black or dull brown particles of amorphous carbon and tar, produced by the incomplete combustion of coal, oil etc
  6. If you see soot in your dreams, it means that you will meet with ill success in your affairs. Lovers will be quarrelsome and hard to please.
  7. generic term referring to the Ivatan rain cape made from the finely stripped leaves of the vuyavuy palm.
  8. is an article of very variable nature. It owes its manurial value mainly to the ammonia salts it contains, and a good sample will have about 4% of ammonia. It is frequently adulterated, being mixed with ashes, earth, &c. ...
  9. a fine, sticky powder, comprised mostly of carbon, formed by the burning of fossil fuels.
  10. Very fine carbon particles that have a black appearance when emitted into the air.
  11. The combustible matter in the exhaust gas created as part of the normal engine combustion process typically observed as smoke. Mostly comprised of carbon.
  12. Soot are fine particles that are formed from the incomplete combustion of fuels. Soot can be powdery, oily or tar-like depending on the type of combustion fuel.
  13. Particles of carbon that are derived from hydrocarbons and remain unburned.
  14. Soft, black, or brown, velvety carbon particle deposits inside appliances, chimneys or connectors, originating in oxygen-poor flames.
  15. black powder in smoke