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sojourn 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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sojourns, plural;
  1. Stay somewhere temporarily
    • - she had sojourned once in Egypt
  1. A temporary stay
    • - her sojourn in Rome

  1. a temporary stay (e.g., as a guest)
  2. spend a certain length of time; reside temporarily
  3. Sojourn was a CrossGen comic book series about the adventures of Arwyn and her friend Gareth as they traveled in a fantasy world with dragons, trolls, and magic. Starting in 2001, it ran for 35 issues (including a prequel) before it was forced to end by the bankruptcy of CrossGen in 2004. ...
  4. Sojourn: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia is a leading interdisciplinary journal devoted to the study of social and cultural issues in Southeast Asia. It publishes empirical and theoretical research articles with a view to promoting and disseminating scholarship in and on the region. ...
  5. The Dark Elf Trilogy is a prequel to the Icewind Dale Trilogy by R. A. Salvatore. Drizzt Do'Urden, a drow, or dark elf, was originally written as a supporting character in the Icewind Dale Trilogy to Wulfgar the barbarian. ...
  6. Sojourn was a MUD founded in 1993, backed by TSR, Inc. During its lifespan, it was regarded as a leading source of innovation and content creation. At its height, it was extremely popular and content-rich. It was based on the Sequent derivative of the DikuMUD codebase.
  7. (Sojourns) Lodging (or a holiday accommodation) is a type of residential accommodation. People who travel and stay away from home for more than a day need lodging for sleep, rest, safety, shelter from cold temperatures or rain, storage of luggage and access to common household functions.
  8. Stay or dwell in a place for a short period of time.