- the action of establishing on a socialist basis; "the socialization of medical services"
- the adoption of the behavior patterns of the surrounding culture; "the socialization of children to the norms of their culture"
- (socialized) under group or government control; "socialized ownership"; "socialized medicine"
- Socialization is a term used by sociologists, social psychologists, anthropologists, politicians and educationalists to refer to the process of inheriting norms, customs and ideologies. ...
- In economic discourse, socialization refers to the process of transforming an activity into a social relationship. ...
- The process of learning one’s culture and how to live within it; The act of interacting with others, of being social; Taking under government control as implementing socialism
- (socialize) To interact with others; To instruct, usually subconsciously, in the etiquette of a society; To take into collective or governmental ownership
- (Socialize) Bullshit business term meaning to share information. The real meaning behind this is to bring one's idea into the light so that it may be hammered down with thrilling non-sequiturs and the sheer force of endless debate in meeting after meeting until the original intent is completely ...
- (socialize (v.)) To share a document or plan within an organization, in the vain hope of getting actionable feedback from your "peers." Also, the act of taking Fido to the park to get him used to other dogs.
- Many homeschoolers are criticized as not providing appropriate socialization, meaning the interaction found in a traditional school. ...
- (1) A process of social interaction and communication in which an individual comes to learn and internalize the culture of their society or group. Socialization begins immediately at birth, with the conditioning influences of infant handling, and continues throughout an individual's lifetime. ...
- Generally the most important purpose of a mother’s club is to provide opportunities for mothers to get away from the children for a time, to emphasize the mother's separateness and need for adult friendship and to make her the center of attention. ...
- The process of exposing an animal to stimuli in a sensitive manner while the animal is in (or approximately in) a sensitive period of development and particularly amenable to acclimating to these stimuli and establishing nonaversive respondent emotional responses to it and establishing a history ...
- “The process by which the individual acquires the knowledge and dispositions that enable him to participate as an effective member of a social group and a given social order.” (Osterkorn, 1980, p. 12) “Optimal social learning takes place when the children are at different ages. ...
- The process of social learning through which we come to internalize culturally approved ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving. Te process involved when young children are becoming aware of society and learning how they are expected to behave.
- Socialization is the first thing homeschoolers are asked about. A new homeschooler should memorize an explanation of how her children will learn to play with other children. This question is nearly always asked exactly this way: "But what about socialization?"
- From an anthropological point of view, a synonym for enculturation.
- Socialization is the process, which begins at birth (some say earlier) in which we, as biological organisms, become human –– become social. Being social means going beyond (transcending) being biological organisms; it means becoming parts of social systems. ...
- The process by which new members of a social group are integrated in the group.
- The process by which developing individuals internalize the beliefs, attitudes, and customs of a culture and learn the norms of society.
- the process by which humans learn to pattern and adapt their behavior according to the appropriate rules established by their society.
- The process through which we learn the dominant beliefs, values, and norms acceptable within our society. The learning process through which individuals develop their personalities and gain a sense of identity.
- Shaping of individual characteristics and behavior through the stimuli and reinforcements that the social environment provides.
- The process of developing a personality; it refers to the way that people learn the habits,attitudes,social roles of self-conceptions, group norms and universe of discourse that enable them to interact with other people in their society. ...
- The process by which all young animals learn their survival and social skills.