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snug 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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snuggest, superlative; snugger, comparative;
  1. Comfortable, warm, and cozy; well protected from the weather or cold
    • - she was safe and snug in Ruth's arms
    • - a snug cottage
  2. (of an income or employment) Allowing one to live in comfort and comparative ease

  3. (esp. of clothing) Very tight or close-fitting
    • - a well-shaped hood for a snug fit
  1. Place (something) safely or cozily
    • - she tucks him in, snugging the blanket up to his chin
  2. Settle comfortably and cozily
    • - the passengers snugged down among the cargo
  1. A small, comfortable public room in a pub or inn

  1. cubby: a small secluded room
  2. offering safety; well protected or concealed; "a snug harbor"; "a snug hideout"
  3. close: fitting closely but comfortably; "a close fit"
  4. well and tightly constructed; "a snug house"; "a snug little sailboat"
  5. cozy: enjoying or affording comforting warmth and shelter especially in a small space; "a cozy nook near the fire"; "snug in bed"; "a snug little apartment"
  6. (snugly) fitting closely; "the vest fit snugly"
  7. (snugly) safely protected; "concealed snugly in his hideout"
  8. (snugly) warmly and comfortably sheltered; "sitting snugly by the fireside while the storm raged"
  9. (snugness) coziness: a state of warm snug comfort
  10. Snug is a minor character from William Shakespeare's play A Midsummer Night's Dream. He is a joiner who is hired by Peter Quince to play the part of the lion in Pyramus and Thisbe. ...
  11. A snug (or antihelix piercing) is a piercing passing through the anti-helix of the ear from the medial to lateral surfaces.
  12. A public house, informally known as a pub and sometimes referred to as the 'local', is an establishment licensed to serve alcoholic drinks for consumption on the premises in countries and regions of British influence.; Subscription Required. Retrieved 03-07-08. ...
  13. small, comfortable back room in a pub; To make secure or snug; To snuggle or nestle; comfortable; cosy (cozy); satisfactory; close-fitting
  14. (snugly) Tightly, with limited space to move, in a snug manner
  15. Mild restraining hold by rider.
  16. a trim, tidy, or compactly arranged ship or its parts; shipshape. Also, a compact and confined harbor or anchorage. Also, to lie closely together; to nestle closely.
  17. anclaje, espárrago de sujeción, tope de excéntrica; reborde, oreja, nervadura
  18. a small private room or booth in a public house.
  19. n. 1. A tiny private area where one may be alone. Schools often have a snug for small children to retreat into for quiet reading periods.
  20. Comfortably canvassed to suit the weather. Anything made neat, or stowed compactly.
  21. a piercing of the vertical cartilage fold directly inside the rim of the ear
  22. Inner cartilage helix fold piercing.
  23. Properly secured; tight.