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snuffle 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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snuffled, past participle; snuffled, past tense; snuffling, present participle; snuffles, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Breathe noisily through the nose due to a cold or crying
    • - Alice was weeping quietly, snuffling a little
  2. (esp. of an animal) Make repeated sniffing sounds as though smelling at something
    • - the collie snuffled around his boots
    • - she heard a strange, persistent snuffling
  1. A sniff or sniffing sound
    • - a silence broken only by the faint snuffles of the dogs
  2. A cold or other infection that causes sniffing
    • - he went down with the snuffles

  1. the act of breathing heavily through the nose (as when the nose is congested)
  2. snuff: sniff or smell inquiringly
  3. snivel: cry or whine with snuffling; "Stop snivelling--you got yourself into this mess!"
  4. (snuffling) sniffly: liable to sniffle
  5. Snuffle is an encryption system designed by Daniel Bernstein and the subject of his court case, Bernstein v. United States.
  6. (Snuffles (cartoon character)) Snuffles is an anthropomorphic cartoon dog appearing in animated television shorts produced by Hanna-Barbera beginning in 1959 on The Quick Draw McGraw Show. Daws Butler provided his voice.
  7. An act of snuffling; sniffing loudly; to sniff with the nose loudly and audibly; to make something or someone quiet; to travel in a car at the pace of a snail; to sniff or smell something very loudly; harsh
  8. (snuffling) A breathy noise; a snuffle
  9. (Snuffles) slang for a very contagious nasal or lung infection that is hard to cure.