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snowboard 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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snowboards, plural;
  1. Slide downhill on such a board
    • - the thrills of snowboarding
  1. A board resembling a short, broad ski, used for sliding downhill on snow

  1. glide down a snow-covered slope while standing on a board; "The children love to snowboard in winter"
  2. Snowboards are boards, which resemble a wide ski, with the ability to glide on snow."snowboarding." Unabridged (v 1.1). Random House, Inc. 17 Mar. 2009. . Snowboards are differentiated from monoskis by the stance of the user. ...
  3. Snowboarding is a sport that involves descending a slope that is covered with snow on a snowboard attached to a rider's feet using a special boot set onto mounted binding. The development of snowboarding was inspired by skateboarding, surfing and skiing. It was developed in the U.S.A. ...
  4. (Snowboarding) On the mountain, Hugo has found snow tracks that lead down to the witch's cave. Unfortunately, Scylla knows Hugo's plans and has started an avalanche. The track down the hill is a net of skiing tracks with dead ends, and fast and slow slopes. ...
  5. (Snowboarding) Skiing on one “ski” which is wider and shorter, with both feet fixed in a position similar to surfing or skateboarding.
  6. (Snowboarding) The alpine equivalent to surfing.
  7. A highly-technical piece of innovative artwork that helps you shred the fluffy (or hard packed, icy) white stuff. Not to be confused with skis, which suck.
  8. A flat, solid, white material, such as painted plywood, approximately two feet square, which is laid on the ground, or snow surface by weather observers to obtain more accurate measurements of snowfall and water content.