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snowball 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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snowballs, plural;
  1. Throw snowballs at
    • - I made sure the other kids stopped snowballing Celia
  2. Increase rapidly in size, intensity, or importance
    • - the campaign was snowballing
  1. A ball of packed snow, esp. one made for throwing at other people for fun

  2. A thing that grows rapidly in intensity or importance
    • - a public-debt snowball
  3. A dessert resembling a ball of snow, esp. one containing or covered in ice cream

  4. A cocktail containing gin, anisette, and cream

  1. increase or accumulate at a rapidly accelerating rate
  2. plant having heads of fragrant white trumpet-shaped flowers; grows in sandy arid regions
  3. ball of ice cream covered with coconut and usually chocolate sauce
  4. throw snowballs at
  5. ball of crushed ice with fruit syrup
  6. snow pressed into a ball for throwing (playfully)
  7. A snow ball is a spherical object made from snow, usually created by scooping snow with the hands, and compacting it into a roughly fist-sized ball. The snowball is often used to engage in games, such as snowball fights. ...
  8. Snowball is the first album by The Field Mice. It was originally released as a 10" vinyl LP. It includes the song "Let's Kiss and Make Up", which became better known when covered by Saint Etienne the following year.
  9. Snowball is a fictional pig in the book Animal Farm written by George Orwell. He is based on Leon Trotsky.
  10. Sno Balls are cream-filled chocolate cakes, which are then covered with marshmallow frosting and coconut flakes. They are marketed by Hostess. Sno Balls are usually pink; however, they are also available in white, green, blue and other colors, depending on the holiday. ...
  11. Snowball, a domestic cat from Prince Edward Island, Canada, has the unique distinction of being at the centre of a milestone in forensic history.
  12. Snowball (born c. 1996) is a male Eleonora Cockatoo, noted as being the first non-human animal conclusively demonstrated to be capable of beat induction — perceiving music and synchronizing his body movements to the beat (i.e., dancing).
  13. A snowball is soft shaved ice mixed with flavored syrup contained in a styrofoam cup or Chinese takeout container. The quality of the ice is important. It should be like soft fresh snow. ...
  14. Silicon Dreams is a trilogy of interactive fiction games developed by Level 9 Computing during the 1980s. The first game was Snowball, released in 1983, followed a year later by Return to Eden, and then by The Worm in Paradise in 1985. ...
  15. The Pets Evacuation and Transportation Standards Act (PETS) was a bi-partisan initiative in the United States House of Representatives to require states seeking Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) assistance to accommodate pets and service animals in their plans for evacuating residents ...
  16. In the United States, the Sadie Hawkins Dance is usually a less formal dance sponsored by a high school, middle school or college, in which female students invite male students. ...
  17. a “ball” of whitewater that forms deep within a barrel and tends to “roll” towards the cylinder’s exit. A snowball can overtake a surfer who is riding too far back in the tube.
  18. the proverbial object without a chance in Hell of success or survival; improbability or impossibility; see DOG'S CHANCE, PRAYER, CANNON FODDER, WASTED, CHECK OUT, RAT RACE, SUICIDE SQUAD, SPEARHEAD, DIDDLY, DEEP SHIT, BITTER END, FIGHT LIKE KILKENNY CATS, PYRRHIC VICTORY, AUTOTOMY, LAST STAND, ...
  19. is also blamed for, among other things, urging the humans during the Battle of the Cowshed to attack the animals, replacing the corn seeds with the seeds of weeds, and other horrible things.
  20. A chance to break out those prom dresses and suits once again and boogie to the sound of our own campus jazz band. In midwinter, it's just what students look forward to, in order to brighten up their semester.
  21. The sulfur-crested cockatoo who became an Internet star because of his dancing abilities. He also became the subject of studies that showed that he actually matched the beat of the music when he danced. ...
  22. A snowball block is an octagon (commonly rotary cut as a square) and 4 triangles (HST). Inklingo’s precise corners make it simpler and faster than ever, as illustrated in Chapter 2 of The Inklingo Handbook.
  23. [n.] A makeshift capsule made by wrapping a substance, usually a powder, in tissue or toilet paper to form a small pouch. The paper is twisted to seal in the substance, then the excess paper is removed and the pouch is swallowed: "I don't have any gelcaps, so just make snowballs."
  24. Mandie's cat. He is white and follows Mandie everywhere, although she is advised not to take him around all the time.
  25. also known as Snowball I, was the Simpsons' first cat. Her death is never seen in the actual series, since it occurred "before" the show's continuity began. She was first mentioned in the series premiere in a Christmas letter Marge is writing where she explains that Snowball had died that year. ...