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snooze 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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snoozes, plural;
  1. Have a short, light sleep
    • - the children play beach games while the adults snooze in the sun
  1. A short, light sleep, esp. during the day
    • - he settled in the grass for a snooze
  2. A boring event or person
    • - months go by and the job's a snooze

  1. sleep lightly or for a short period of time
  2. Snooze is an episode of the British comedy television series The Goodies.
  3. A period of sleep; a nap; Something boring; To sleep, especially briefly; to nap
  4. The OED dates this word to 1793 meaning to sleep, nap or doze.
  5. The process of sending recurring event notifications until the events are cleared.
  6. A process that delays an overdue reminder by a specified time interval. At the end of the time interval, the reminder becomes overdue again.