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snipe 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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snipe, plural; snipes, plural;
  1. Shoot at someone from a hiding place, esp. accurately and at long range
    • - the soldiers in the trench sniped at us
  2. Make a sly or petty verbal attack
    • - the state governor constantly sniped at the president
    • - there has been some sniping about inept leadership
  1. A wading bird of marshes and wet meadows, with brown camouflaged plumage, a long straight bill, and typically a drumming display flight

  1. Old or New World straight-billed game bird of the sandpiper family; of marshy areas; similar to the woodcocks
  2. hunt or shoot snipe
  3. a gunshot from a concealed location
  4. sharpshoot: aim and shoot with great precision
  5. attack: attack in speech or writing; "The editors of the left-leaning paper attacked the new House Speaker"
  6. A snipe is any of nearly 50 wading bird species in three genera in the family Scolopacidae. They are characterized by a very long, slender bill and cryptic plumage. ...
  7. The Snipe is a foot, 2 person, one design racing dinghy. Designed by William Crosby in 1931, it has evolved into a modern, tactical racing dinghy with fleets around the world. The Snipe is simple, making it easy to sail and trailer. ...
  8. "Snipe" (stylized as snIpe) is a maxi single released by the J-pop singer, Kotoko. Released on June 24, 2009, this single is also contained in the I've Sound 10th Anniversary 「Departed to the future」 Special CD BOX, released on March 25, 2009.
  9. The Chopper City Boyz was a New Orleans-based rap group signed to rapper B.G.'s Chopper City Records. The group was formed in 2003 consisting of B.G.'s younger brother Hakizzle, Gar and Snipe, then VL Mike became an addition to the group in early 2004. The group had been featured on B.G. ...
  10. A Snipe in the motion picture exhibition business refers to two things: * Any material before the feature presentation other than a trailer. ...
  11. Snipes (diminutive for Snipers) is a text-mode networked computer game that was created in 1983 by SuperSet software. Snipes is officially credited as being the original inspiration for Novell NetWare.
  12. Any of various limicoline game birds of the family Scolopacidae, having a long, slender, nearly straight beak; A fool; a blockhead; A shot from a concealed place; A member of the Engineering Department on a ship; A bottle of wine containing 0. ...
  13. (Snipes) Cigarette butts "sniped" (eg. in ashtrays)
  14. (Snipes) Sniper Rifle or Beam Rifle.
  15. (snipes) that a term for cigaretty butts. lots a times us hobos need a smoke but with these prices we aint able to afford a pack a smokes, so we search for snipes. you can find them a lot at railroad stacions cause folks smoke a lot outside while waiting for them cars to come.
  16. (Sniping) Bidding in the closing minutes or seconds of an auction to outbid other buyers.
  17. (sniping) The practice of bidding in an auction at the last possible moment so that others don’t have the opportunity to place a higher bid. Several companies actually make automated software that will snipe for you if you are not on the computer during the final minutes of an auction.
  18. (SNIPING) In miner's jargon, this word meant the act of prospecting and re-working old claims, dumps, and other sites that have been abandoned. It also refers to cleaning out bedrock cracks.
  19. (SNIPING) Placing a winning bid minutes or even seconds before an auction closes. This tactic severely limits the ability of competing bidders from out-bidding you or driving the price higher.
  20. (Sniping) Bidding in the final seconds of listing.
  21. (Sniping) The act of deliberately spying on an ongoing trade or gifting between two users and then attempting and succeeding to acquire the egg before its recipient, typically via getcode.
  22. (sniping) The act of choosing the +5 Explore option, as opposed to the +1 +1 Explore. So called because of its use to snipe for a single key card that you need, as popposed to generally gathering resources.
  23. To hook the ball such that it drops quickly.
  24. a wading bird which lives in marshy places and is characterized by a long, flexible bill.
  25. The title of a track laborer or Gandy dancer. One who builds or repairs railroad track.