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snaffle 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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snaffles, plural;
  1. Take (something) for oneself, typically quickly or without permission
    • - shall we snaffle some of Bernard's sherry?
  1. (on a bridle) A simple bit, typically a jointed one, used with a single set of reins

  2. A bridle with such a bit

  1. a simple jointed bit for a horse; without a curb
  2. snap up: get hold of or seize quickly and easily; "I snapped up all the good buys during the garage sale"
  3. fit or restrain with a snaffle; "snaffle a horse"
  4. The verb snaffle is a British colloquialism. Born on the croquet lawns of Oxford, it was originally coined as a reference to a technically illegal double hit to put a ball through the hoop at close range from an angle that would not be possible with a normal shot.
  5. Charles "Snaffles" Johnson Payne (1884–1967) was an English painter best known for his humorous work.
  6. A broad-mouthed, loose-ringed bit (metal in a horse's mouth). It brings pressure to bear on the tongue and bars and corners of the mouth. Often used as a training bit; to put on, or control with, a snaffle; to grab or seize; to snap up; to purloin, or obtain by devious means
  7. Bit with a solid or jointed mouthpiece that has no shanks and works on principles of direct pressure only.
  8. to quickly grab something, especially something to eat
  9. 1. grab, take quickly. 2. steal or appropriate.
  10. To steal. To snaffle any ones poll; to steal his wig.
  11. Simple bit made out of an articulated piece of metal, maintained by two rings on each end. It has a lifting effect and is used on green horses.
  12. Design of bit that acts on the corners or bars of the horse's mouth. May be jointed or straight, but does not have shanks and only uses one rein.
  13. Snaffling occurs where a roisterer is lured into a Tour by the purchase of a ticket on his behalf without his knowledge or consent.