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slog 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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slogging, present participle; slogs, 3rd person singular present; slogged, past participle; slogged, past tense;
  1. Work hard over a period of time
    • - they were slogging away to meet a deadline
  2. Walk or move with difficulty or effort
    • - he slogged home through the gray slush
  3. Hit forcefully and typically wildly, esp. in boxing
    • - the fighters were slogging away
  4. Fight or compete at length or fiercely

  1. A spell of difficult, tiring work or traveling
    • - it would be a hard slog back to the camp

  1. plug away: work doggedly or persistently; "She keeps plugging away at her dissertation"
  2. walk heavily and firmly, as when weary, or through mud; "Mules plodded in a circle around a grindstone"
  3. slug: strike heavily, especially with the fist or a bat; "He slugged me so hard that I passed out"
  4. Slog refers to a type of shot in many forms of cricket where the batsman attempts to hit the ball as far as possible with the aim to hit a six or at the least a four. ...
  5. A long, tedious walk, or session of work; An aggressive shot played with little skill; To walk slowly, encountering resistance; To work slowly and deliberately (overcoming significant boredom); To strike something with a heavy blow, especially a ball with a bat
  6. (Slogging) a term used to describe sub-planing riding which happens when the power in the kite is not sufficient to get your board up on top of the water.Originally a windsurfing term.
  7. (Slogging) moving along slowly with the board not fully planing.
  8. Slog has black fur, a orange shirt, and a bird like beak.
  9. Used to describe a shot which is not in the coaching book
  10. To proceed up a hill at a slow arduous pace.
  11. Swindon Locality Orienteering Group, defunct, having merged with MOK in 2005 to form NWO.
  12. To sail slowly. It generally refers to sailing a short-board in light-wind.
  13. 1. spell of hard work: e.g., That was a hard slog! 2. to work hard: e.g., I'm going to have to slog all weekend to pass this exam.
  14. n. 1. Hard work, as in, ``Configuring any NCP is a slog.'' v. 1. To work hard, as in, ``They slogged up the hill with 50 pound rucksacks.'' 2. To hit hard, especially at cricket, as in, ``Don't just stand there, slog the ball.'' Speculation: Is this the origin of the term ``baseball slugger''?
  15. A long, wet ride or trail. Sucks the rider’s energy and morale.
  16. To work really hard is to slog. Big-time sloggoos literally solg their b***s off. Thankfully for most IITians, the perecentage of sloggoos is not too high ( unlike IITM and other pretenders ), just the level required to ensure a steady supply of class notes and assignments, and not so high that ...
  17. A low-boosted move of hit and timing when a player hits the while it is about to touch the ground, the player hits it low with hand straight out under-armed. If the hit does not bounce in the player''s square, it is out.
  18. it means to work really hard for something, mainly for exams but sometimes it may also be in sports