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slobber 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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slobbered, past participle; slobbers, 3rd person singular present; slobbering, present participle; slobbered, past tense;
  1. Have saliva dripping copiously from the mouth
    • - Fido tended to slobber
    • - big slobbering kisses
  2. Be excessively sentimental; show excessive enthusiasm for
    • - news executives slobbered over him for autographs
    • - they took turns slobbering all over the new baby
  1. Saliva dripping copiously from the mouth

  1. drool: saliva spilling from the mouth
  2. Drooling (also known as driveling, ptyalism, sialorrhea, or slobbering) is when saliva flows outside the mouth. Drooling is generally caused by excess production of saliva, inability to retain saliva within the mouth, or problems with swallowing.
  3. (Slobbers) Rhizoctonia leguminicola is a plant pathogen that most often attaches itself to the Trifolium pratense or red clover. ...
  4. Liquid material, generally saliva, that dribbles or drools outward and downward from the mouth; To emit saliva or intaken but not yet swallowed liquid to run from one's mouth. To drool
  5. (SLOBBERS) Excessive salivation creating a wet or extremely moist and unsightly fur around the mouth, lower jaws, and forelegs.