- hurl as if with a sling
- a highball with liquor and water with sugar and lemon or lime juice
- hang loosely or freely; let swing
- slingshot: a plaything consisting of a Y-shaped stick with elastic between the arms; used to propel small stones
- slingback: a shoe that has a strap that wraps around the heel
- a simple weapon consisting of a looped strap in which a projectile is whirled and then released
- A sling or runner is an item of climbing equipment consisting of a tied or sewn loop of webbing that can be wrapped around sections of rock, hitched (tied) to other pieces of equipment or tied directly to a tensioned line using a prusik knot; for anchor extension (to reduce rope drag and for ...
- In the context of firearms, a sling is a type of strap or harness designed to allow an operator carry a firearm (usually a long gun such as a rifle, carbine, shotgun, or submachine gun) on his/her person and/or aid in greater hit probability with that firearm. ...
- Sling furniture is usually a suspended, free-swinging chair, bed, or hammock that is made of a framework connected to hanging straps or rope. When attached to poles or a frame for carrying, a sling becomes a stretcher, a simple form of litter.
- Beast Wars Neo is a 1999 Japanese Transformers television animated series and toy line, and a sequel to Beast Wars II.
- A sling is a projectile weapon typically used to throw a blunt projectile such as a stone. It is also known as the shepherd's sling.
- An instrument for throwing stones or other missiles, consisting of a short strap with two strings fastened to its ends, or with a string fastened to one end and a light stick to the other; A kind of hanging bandage put around the neck, in which a wounded arm or hand is supported; A loop of ...
- (Slings) Made like sangarees with the addition of lemon juice and a twist of lemon peel. Served in an old fashioned glass.
- (Slings (or Boat Slings)) Collapsible/portable frames with straps upon which a shell can be placed temporarily.
- (Slings) A Sling is a tall cocktail that contains lemon or lime juice and sugar syrup or a sweet liqueur, along with any type of base spirit and fruit juice. The ingredients may be simply added to ice in a Collins glass, or may be shaken and strained into an ice-filled glass. ...
- (Slings) A sling of nylon or Spectra/nylon, webbing or cord. Usually carried over one's shoulder - single, doubled or tripled, depending on the length of the sling.
- (Slings) Constructed from polyester, nylon, or other very strong materials. Stone is hung from, in order to be raised, moved, or set.
- (Slings) Ropes, nets, and any other means for handling general cargoes
- (Slings) These are what you put a boat in to work on it, when it is not on the rack. Never leave a shell sitting on slings without anyone watching it when it is windy!
- (Slings) Wire ropes made into forms, with or without fittings, for handling loads and so made as to permit the attachment of an operating rope
- (slings) Webbing tied into a loop; typically 4 inches to 4 feet long
- Strap fastened to either the bow or the archer's wrist or index finger and thumb, to prevent the bow from falling when shooting with a relaxed bow hand.
- A tall drink made with either brandy, whiskey or gin, with lemon juice, sugar and soda water. It is served both hot and cold.
- Loop of wire rope used in loading logs too large to be handled by tongs (19).
- The sling was a common weapon carried by shepherds to defend the flock however, modern visions of a sling is very different from these original weapons. The stones were generally 2 to 3 inches in diameter and carefully chipped into a perfect sphere. ...