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sleigh 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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sleighs, plural;
  1. Ride on a sleigh

  1. A sled drawn by horses or reindeer, esp. one used for passengers

  1. sled: a vehicle mounted on runners and pulled by horses or dogs; for transportation over snow
  2. sled: ride (on) a sled
  3. A sled is a sliding vehicle designed to transport passengers and/or cargo by using a running mechanism and smooth undersides instead of wheels. ...
  4. A vehicle moved on runners, and used for transporting persons or goods on snow or ice; To ride or drive a sleigh; Sly
  5. To see a sleigh in your dreams, foretells you will fail in some love adventure, and incur the displeasure of a friend. To ride in one, foretells injudicious engagements will be entered into by you.
  6. Named for its resemblance to a horse-drawn sleigh; this type of bed was created as a cozy refuge from drafts. Our version offers a high headboard and footboard as well as high, graceful curved side rails that create a safe and cozy refuge for little ones.
  7. Sleighs are typically driven from the front seat and have a high dash board to help protect the passengers from the clods of snow thrown from the horse's feet.  They often have a rear rumble seat for the groom as the weight helps lift up the front of the runners.
  8. el trineo (Spanish), le traîneau (French)
  9. a fruit cake eaten at Christmas