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slay 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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slays, 3rd person singular present; slayed, past tense; slew, past tense; slain, past participle; slaying, present participle;
  1. Kill (a person or animal) in a violent way
    • - St. George slew the dragon
  2. Murder (someone) (used chiefly in journalism)
    • - a man was slain with a shotgun
  3. Greatly impress or amuse (someone)
    • - you slay me, you really do

  1. murder: kill intentionally and with premeditation; "The mafia boss ordered his enemies murdered"
  2. (slaying) murder: unlawful premeditated killing of a human being by a human being
  3. "Slayed" is a single by the Big Beat artist Overseer from his album Wreckage.
  4. (Slayed?) Slayed? is the third studio album by the British rock group Slade. It was released on 1 November 1972, and reached No. 1 on the UK charts.
  5. To kill, murder; To eradicate or stamp out; To defeat, overcome; To delight or overwhelm, especially with laughter
  6. offshore installation method with an horizontal firing line and usually several working stations that give a S-shape to the pipeline during the laying operation.
  7. (one): a request to be told stunning news
  8. When a monster ends its movement on a victim’s space, it slays that victim. Put the slayed victim’s token on the monster card of the monster that slayed it.
  9. (v) öltürürgе, qaplarģa