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slate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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slates, plural;
  1. Cover (something, esp. a roof) with slates

  2. Criticize severely
    • - his work was slated by the critics
  3. Schedule; plan
    • - renovations are slated for late June
    • - construction is slated to begin late next year
  4. Nominate (someone) as a candidate for an office or post
    • - I understand that I am being slated for promotion
  5. Identify (a movie take) using a slate

  1. A fine-grained gray, green, or bluish metamorphic rock easily split into smooth, flat pieces

  2. A flat piece of such rock used as roofing material

  3. A flat piece of slate used for writing on, typically framed in wood, formerly used in schools

  4. A list of candidates for election to a post or office, typically a group sharing a set of political views
    • - another slate of candidates will be picked for the state convention
  5. A range of something offered
    • - the company has revealed details of a $60 million slate of film productions
  6. A board showing the identifying details of a take of a motion picture, which is held in front of the camera at its beginning and end

  7. A bluish-gray color
    • - suits of slate gray

  1. designate or schedule; "He slated his talk for 9 AM"; "She was slated to be his successor"
  2. (formerly) a writing tablet made of slate
  3. thin layers of rock used for roofing
  4. enter on a list or slate for an election; "He was slated for borough president"
  5. a fine-grained metamorphic rock that can be split into thin layers
  6. cover with slate; "slate the roof"
  7. Slate is a fine-grained, foliated, homogeneous metamorphic rock derived from an original shale-type sedimentary rock composed of clay or volcanic ash through low-grade regional metamorphism. ...
  8. SLATE, a pioneer organization of the New Left and precursor of the Free Speech Movement, was a campus political party at the University of California, Berkeley from 1958 to 1966.
  9. Slate } is a gray color with a slight azure tinge that is a representation of the average color of the material slate.
  10. A slate is a group of candidates that run in multi-seat or multi-position elections on a common platform.
  11. Slate is an English-language online current affairs and culture magazine created in 1996 by former New Republic editor Michael Kinsley, initially under the ownership of Microsoft, as part of MSN. On December 21, 2004, it was purchased by the Washington Post Company. ...
  12. Slate is a prototype-based object-oriented programming language with multiple dispatch. It uses the syntax of Smalltalk and some ideas of the Self programming language. Slate also aims to provide an operating system like environment (e.g. graphics interface). It was once featured on Slashdot.
  13. (Slates) An entity type used to track Slate information from a live action shoot.  The slates can then be linked to Elements, which are linked to Shots.
  14. (Slates) Sedimentary rocks composed of fine grained particles which have become altered due to a combination heat and pressure and have developed cleavage (the direction in which the rocks split most easily) which may not be parallel to the original bedding.
  15. ([edit] Slates) Slate computers, which resemble writing slates, are tablet PCs without a dedicated keyboard. ...
  16. (Slating) Reading your name aloud prior to performing the audition copy so that the casting director, or decision-maker, knows who they are listening to. A slate can also be the identifier for what part of the copy you’re reading.
  17. (Slating) The procedure by which law enforcement officials record on the blotter information about an individual's arrest and charges, together with identification and facts about his or her background.
  18. A dark gray stratified stone cut relatively thin and installed on pitched roofs in a shingle like fashion.
  19. A micro crystalline metamorphic rock commonly derived from shale. Slate is primarily composed of mica, chlorite and quartz. Slates are predominantly available in cleft-finished tiles; ideal for use in exterior, non-freeze settings.
  20. A metamorphic stone that has a sheet-like structure. It is composed of clay, quartz and shale, and comes in a multitude of colors including reds and greens.
  21. The identifier placed in front of the camera at beginning of a take.
  22. to state your name on camera before your commercial audition
  23. A report used by the military services for listing requirements for petroleum. The petroleum products written slate is a stock status and planned requirements report compiled monthly by an oversea commander for requisitioning bulk petroleum products and certain packaged fuels. ...
  24. Most UK supplies have come in the past from Wales, this is still available but pricey, in recent years Spanish slate has been imported at a lower cost, reclaimed Welsh slate is also available. Common sizes are 460x305mm and 610x355mm although other sizes may be available. ...
  25. Fine-grained metamorphic rock formed by "baking" and recrystallizing shale or mudstone and which splits easily along flat, parallel planes.