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slats, plural;
  1. A thin, narrow piece of wood, plastic, or metal, esp. one of a series that overlap or fit into each other, as in a fence or a Venetian blind

  1. a thin strip (wood or metal)
  2. equip or bar with slats; "Slat the windows"
  3. close the slats of (windows)
  4. Slats are aerodynamic surfaces on the leading edge of the wings of fixed-wing aircraft which, when deployed, allow the wing to operate at a higher angle of attack. ...
  5. A thin, narrow strip or bar of wood or metal; A moveable control surface at the leading edge of a wing that when moved, changes the chord line of the airfoil, affecting the angle of attack. ...
  6. (slatted) Of or pertaining to a slat; having slats
  7. (Slats) Wooden boards used as the bottom structure to support box spring units within their frames. Also used in headboard and footboard sets with wood rails and in bunk beds to support the mattress in place of a box spring. Slats can also be used as a feature in furniture construction. ...
  8. (slats) The strips of wood, vinyl, aluminum, etc, that make up the blind.
  9. (SLATS) Movable vanes or auxiliary airfoils, usually set along the leading edge of a wing but able to be lifted away at certain angles of attack.
  10. (SLATS) Statewide Landcover and Trees Study
  11. (SLATS) The small solid hardwood pieces which form Mosaic Parquet Squares.
  12. (Slats) A control surface on fixed-wing aircraft, usually mounted to the aft edge of the wings, that extends the wing to provide added lift at low speeds; COMPARE: flaps; SYMBOLS: delta sub S; TYPICAL UNITS: rad, deg;
  13. (Slats) A long thin narrow strip of wood, metal, etc.
  14. (Slats) An "auxiliary wing" along the top of a wing's leading edge. Puffed open by extra lift exerted on it, creating a slot (narrow gap between the slat and wing) what prevents a stall by guiding the air over the wing.
  15. (Slats) Special surfaces attached to or actually part of the leading edge of the wing. During takeoff and landing, they are extended to produce extra lift.
  16. (Slats) Strip of wood made from layers of wood (glued together), part of a slatted base or base frame.
  17. (Slats) The long rectangular strip of treated fabric which hangs vertically to make up a vertical blind. Also known as Vanes, Louvre's, Hangers or Material.
  18. (Slats) Thin strips of wood which make up the bottom of a wooden sled basket. Note: Toboggan sleds have a sheet of plastic as the bottom for their basket
  19. (Slats) a cowboy who is always leaning on the fence.
  20. (Slats) pieces of wood, faux wood or aluminum that are strung together to produce a horizontal blind
  21. (Slatted) Is said of a wing equipped with a leading-edge which can pop in or out at low speed, thus improving controllability.
  22. (Slatted) his brains out, then soused him in the briny sea.--Old Play, The Malcontents.
  23. Element of a horizontal blind, usually made of wood or aluminum, which obstructs light and view through a window and is supported by ladders.
  24. A paddle, or small door, used to control the flow of water through a lock or weir.
  25. An aerodynamic device mounted on or just forward of the ram wing to create a slot effect.