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slalom 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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slaloms, plural;
  1. Move or race in a winding path, avoiding obstacles
    • - she drove with reckless speed, slaloming in and out of the stalled cars
  1. A ski race down a winding course marked by flags or poles

  2. A sporting event on water with a winding course marked by obstacles, typically a canoe or sailing race

  1. race on skis around obstacles
  2. a downhill race over a winding course defined by upright poles
  3. Slalom is a 1965 comedy film directed by Luciano Salce and starring Vittorio Gassman.
  4. Slalom is a skiing video game made by Rare Ltd. for the NES. It was released first in the United States in August 1987; a European release followed on October 15, 1987. ...
  5. (Slaloms (Lapinot)) Slaloms is a story in the comics series The spiffy adventures of McConey (Les formidables aventures de Lapinot in the original French language), by the popular French cartoonist Lewis Trondheim. ...
  6. The sport of skiing in a zigzag course through gates. (Often used attributively); Any similar activity on other vehicles, including canoes and water skis; A course used for the sport of slalom; A race or competition wherein participants each perform the sport of slalom; To race in a slalom
  7. (slaloming) Image a snake slithering in its smooth movements. Now imagine if that snake moving ten times faster than normal snakes can. Now imagine that fast-moving snake were a longboard. ...
  8. A form of downhill skiing where racers head downhill on a course line with tightly spaced gates that must be passed between with short, quick turns; see also Giant Slalom.
  9. a downhilla timed ski race on a steep slope in which competitors take the most direct route to the finish line following a course with relatively few turns and attaining very high speeds. race over a winding and zigzag course marked by poles or gates
  10. This is a course feature where the car must weave back and forth between pylons that have been set up in a straight line. The cones may be equidistant from each other, or not. ...
  11. This is a downhill race. Snowboarders carve around gates down a mountain.
  12. A type of whitewater race in which the paddlers have to pass through gates.
  13. A high-wind race that consists of a series of primarily downwind courses.
  14. A two-run race with pole-type gates set close together, though not on a direct line. The ability to make quick turns under control is essential. ...
  15. A race where the skiers have to make relatively small turns, to go through a course.
  16. A competition where riders race by turning around gates in a set route.
  17. A race in which crafts are maneuvered through a series of gates.
  18. A part in the level where you have to go left-right-left-right like in the end of the internal level called Slalom. In Trouble Double there are also slalom parts.
  19. Short term for the Olympic discipline of whitewater slalom racing.
  20. Competition held on white water in which paddlers travel a course marked out by ‘gates’, poles suspended over the water. The object is to make the fastest time without missing or striking the gates. Not seen in South Australia, which lacks suitable waters.
  21. The skier has two passes of 15 seconds to cross the wake as many times are possible. The skier can cross the wake forwards or backwards and on two feet or one foot.
  22. A type of race in which drivers maneuver through a course marked by pylons.
  23. Zigzag descent on skis or mountain bike.