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skitter 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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skittered, past tense; skeetering, present participle; skitters, 3rd person singular present; skeeters, 3rd person singular present; skeetered, past tense; skittered, past participle; skeetered, past participle; skittering, present participle;
  1. Move lightly and quickly or hurriedly
    • - the girls skittered up the stairs
    • - her mind skittered back to that day at the office
  2. Draw (bait) jerkily across the surface of the water as a technique in fishing

  1. scurry: to move about or proceed hurriedly; "so terrified by the extraordinary ebbing of the sea that they scurried to higher ground"
  2. glide easily along a surface
  3. skim: cause to skip over a surface; "Skip a stone across the pond"
  4. twitch the hook of a fishing line through or along the surface of water
  5. (Skitters) Diarrhea (from the Greek, διὰρροια meaning "flowing through"), also spelled diarrhoea, is the condition of having three or more loose or liquid bowel movements per day. It is a common cause of death in developing countries and the second most common cause of infant deaths worldwide. ...
  6. A skittering movement; to move hurriedly or as by twitching or bouncing; to make a skittering noise
  7. voiced by Leigh Kelly, is the first of the Tinysauruses to befriend Littlefoot. When the Tinysauruses were eating the fallen treesweets, Skitter stood on top of Littlefoot and ate one off of his nose, which he proudly remarks on down in the herd's underground dwelling. ...