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skimp 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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skimped, past tense; skimps, 3rd person singular present; skimping, present participle; skimped, past participle;
  1. Expend or use less time, money, or material on something than is necessary in an attempt to economize
    • - don't skimp on insurance when you travel overseas

  1. work hastily or carelessly; deal with inadequately and superficially
  2. scant: limit in quality or quantity
  3. scrimp: subsist on a meager allowance; "scratch and scrimp"
  4. stint: supply sparingly and with restricted quantities; "sting with the allowance"
  5. A skimpy or insubstantial thing, especially a piece of clothing; Underwear; To slight; to do carelessly; to scamp; To make insufficient allowance for; to scant; to scrimp; To save; to be parsimonious or stingy; Scanty
  6. (Skimping) To cut corners when offering hospitality, whether it be of biscuits or spirit measures. If you must skimp, it is better not to be seen to do it. Nobody likes a cheap-skate.