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sire 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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sires, plural;
  1. Be the male parent of (an animal)

  2. (of a person) Be the father of

  1. The male parent of an animal, esp. a stallion or bull kept for breeding

  2. A respectful form of address for someone of high social status, esp. a king

  3. A father or other male forebear

  1. a title of address formerly used for a man of rank and authority
  2. beget: make children; "Abraham begot Isaac"; "Men often father children but don't recognize them"
  3. forefather: the founder of a family; "keep the faith of our forefathers"
  4. male parent of an animal especially a domestic animal such as a horse
  5. Sire is a form of address for reigning Kings in the United Kingdom and in Belgium. It was formerly also used in England, France, Italy, Germany and Spain. Historically Sire had a wider usage. ...
  6. Sire Records is an American record label, owned by Warner Music Group and distributed through Warner Bros. Records.
  7. In the Middle Ages, a childe or child was the son of a nobleman who had not yet attained knighthood, or had not yet won his spurs. As a rank in chivalry, it was used as a title, e.g. Child Horn in King Horn, as a male progressed through the positions of squire and then knight.
  8. A vampire is a fictional creature in the role-playing games and books based on the World of Darkness setting by White Wolf Game Studio. ...
  9. (Sirian) The Assyrian/Chaldean/Syriac people (frequently known as Assyrians, Syriacs, Syriac Christians, Suroye/Suryoye, Chaldeans, and other variants, see names of Syriac Christians) are an ethnic group whose origins lie in the Fertile Crescent. ...
  10. A lord, master, or other person in authority, most commonly used vocatively; A male animal, especially a horse or dog. In particular, one which is already, or has already been, a father; Of a male: to procreate; to father, beget
  11. (Sirian) An inhabitant of Sirius; Of the star Sirius
  12. (sires) Male animals used for breeding.
  13. (Sirian) Person who lives in sirius but outside Gallia, Only Gallic citizens use this term to define people from outside Gallia
  14. The father of a horse.
  15. Father or male parent in a pedigree.
  16. The male parent of a horse.
  17. Adult breeding male or father of a cria. (Sometimes called 'herdsire')
  18. One title used for king, a more familiar title generally reserved for close confidants.
  19. A term from Vampire: The Masquerade roleplaying system that has crept into general usage meaning the one who turned (or awakened) someone who is a vampire. (See "mentor".)
  20. A male ancestor; a forefather. A gentleman of rank. Used as a form of address for a superior, especially a king. (as stated on
  21. (arch.) A vampire who induces a person into vampirism. [Buffy]
  22. A person who lets out a moan of relief. - Joseph Leff
  23. male rabbit that produced an offspring.  A rabbit's sire is its father.
  24. An alpaca’s father or a male alpaca with the genetic characteristics desirable for breeding.
  25. A relational term, referring to a vampire that has embraced somebody.