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signpost 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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signposts, plural;
  1. Provide (an area) with a signpost or signposts
    • - most of the walks were well signposted
  2. Indicate (a place or feature) with a signpost
    • - Battle is clearly signposted off all the main roads
  1. A sign giving information such as the direction and distance to a nearby town, typically found at a crossroads

  2. Something that acts as guidance or a clue to an unclear or complicated issue
    • - there are few unambiguous signposts for doctors facing ethical issues

  1. a post bearing a sign that gives directions or shows the way
  2. mark with a signpost, as of a path
  3. Traffic signs or road signs are signs erected at the side of roads to provide information to road users. ...
  4. The Signpost is the student newspaper of Weber State University. It is published three times a week on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
  5. (Signposting) Providing information on services, and supporting the person to look at different options and make choices based on the services and resources available, that will help maximise and sustain that person’s independence.
  6. (Signposting) guiding people towards other services
  7. (Signposting) refers to the phrases that you use in an essay to guide the reader through your arguments. ...
  8. Signposting is a method of helping people find the services that they want without necessarily making a referral for them. It offers a better opportunity for users of services to make decisions about the range of services that they can access and which one is right for them. ...
  9. (Signposts) simple connectives such as first, next, and finally that help listeners keep their place in your speech.
  10. A signpost comes with 1/2 legs inserted on or along the pavement.