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sicken 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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sickened, past tense; sickened, past participle; sickening, present participle; sickens, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Make (someone) feel disgusted or appalled
    • - she was sickened by the bomb attack
  2. Feel disgust or horror
    • - he sickened at the thought
  3. Become ill
    • - Dawson sickened unexpectedly and died in 1916

  1. disgust: cause aversion in; offend the moral sense of; "The pornographic pictures sickened us"
  2. get sick; "She fell sick last Friday, and now she is in the hospital"
  3. upset and make nauseated; "The smell of the food turned the pregnant woman's stomach"; "The mold on the food sickened the diners"
  4. make sick or ill; "This kind of food sickens me"
  5. (sickening) nauseating: causing or able to cause nausea; "a nauseating smell"; "nauseous offal"; "a sickening stench"
  6. (Sickened) Ten Thousand Fists is the third album by American Heavy metal band Disturbed. The album was released on September 20, 2005 and became Disturbed's second consecutive number-one debut on the Billboard 200 in the United States, shipping around 239,000 copies in its opening week. ...
  7. To make ill; To become ill
  8. (sickening) Causing sickness or disgust
  9. (sickening) (adj.): incredibly amazing; excessively hot (see also fierce)