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shush 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Be quiet,
  1. Be quiet
    • - “Shush! Do you want to wake everyone?”
  1. Tell or signal (someone) to be silent
    • - she shushed him with a wave
  2. Become or remain silent
    • - Beth told her to shush
  3. Move with or make a soft swishing or rustling sound
    • - I stood to watch a big liner shushing slowly past
    • - she could hear the gentle shushing of the waves
  1. An utterance of “shush
    • - the thumps were followed by shushes from the aunts
  2. A soft swishing or rustling sound

  1. silence (someone) by uttering `shush!'
  2. This article includes a list of characters from the animated series Darkwing Duck.
  3. To be quiet; to keep quiet
  4. Steal (from client).