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shrill 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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(of a voice or sound) High-pitched and piercing,
  1. (of a voice or sound) High-pitched and piercing
    • - a shrill laugh
  2. offensive. (esp. of a complaint or demand) Loud and forceful
    • - a concession to their shrill demands
  1. Make a shrill noise
    • - a piercing whistle shrilled through the night air
  2. Speak or cry with a shrill voice
    • - “For God's sake!” shrilled Jan
  1. A shrill sound or cry
    • - the rising shrill of women's voices

  1. having or emitting a high-pitched and sharp tone or tones ; "a shrill whistle"; "a shrill gaiety"
  2. shriek: utter a shrill cry
  3. strident: being sharply insistent on being heard; "strident demands"; "shrill criticism"
  4. of colors that are bright and gaudy; "a shrill turquoise"
  5. (shrilling) a continuing shrill noise; "the clash of swords and the shrilling of trumpets"--P. J. Searles
  6. (shrillness) the quality of being sharp or harsh to the senses; "the shrillness of her hair color"
  7. (shrillness) having the timbre of a loud high-pitched sound
  8. To make a shrill noise; High-pitched and piercing; Sharp or keen to the senses
  9. Excessive brightness, sometimes mistakenly interpreted by the player as desired attack and dynamic range. The artificial brightness of such practice is said to be shrill. Not a prized characteristic by any stretch of the imagination.
  10. to emit a piercing sound