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shoo 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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A word said to frighten or drive away a person or animal,
  1. A word said to frighten or drive away a person or animal

  1. Make (a person or animal) go away by waving one's arms at them, saying “shoo,” or otherwise acting in a discouraging manner
    • - I went to comfort her but she shooed me away

  1. shoo off: drive away by crying `shoo!'
  2. Yoo Soo-Young (born 23 October 1981, in Yokohama, Japan), more commonly known as Shoo (her Japanese name), is a Korean singer, actor, and a member of the pop group S.E.S.. Although Korean, she lived in Japan for most of her early life. ...
  3. To induce someone or something to leave; To leave under inducement; To usher someone; Go away! Clear off!