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shills, plural;
  1. Act or work as such a person

  1. An accomplice of a hawker, gambler, or swindler who acts as an enthusiastic customer to entice or encourage others

  1. a decoy who acts as an enthusiastic customer in order to stimulate the participation of others
  2. act as a shill; "The shill bid for the expensive carpet during the auction in order to drive the price up"
  3. A shill is a person who is paid to help another person or organization to sell goods or services. The shill pretends to have no association with the seller/group and gives onlookers the impression that he or she is an enthusiastic customer. ...
  4. A person paid to endorse a product favourably, while pretending to be impartial; An accomplice at a confidence trick during an auction or gambling game; To promote or endorse in return for payment, especially dishonestly; To put under cover; to sheal
  5. (Shills) Young ladies who works for the house, used to lure players to the Lucky Nine table.
  6. (Shills) name of the employees helping run and organise the games.
  7. An individual employed by the casino to play games that are being underplayed.
  8. A shill player is a who is paid by the house and plays with the house money.
  9. A casino employee who fills empty seats at the tables
  10. A partner in a con game, either unseen by the mark or becoming involved after the original approach. The mark may never realize that the shill is in on the con.
  11. An individual who works to promote a gambling site or sportsbook and does not provide full disclosure to the recipient that he or she is promoting the bookmaker.
  12. A person that markets a particular service or sportsbook without acknowledging the fact that they are compensated for the promotion.
  13. a person employed to decoy or entice others into buying, gambling, etc.
  14. Shills are casino employees out of uniform that sit down at empty tables to try to attract others to sit down and play. Shills are the same thing as "props" in poker.
  15. A casino employee who plays in order to simulate interest and betting in the game.
  16. Someone who is selling something, usually dishonestly. In 9/11 Truth, a shill, or someone who shills (also used as a verb,) is considered to be promoting a particular idea for the purpose of covering up the actual truth. ...
  17. A con man’s partner that may or may not be seen by the victim.
  18. A person employed by or representing an unscrupulous auctioneer or owner of the items being offered at public auction, and who creates artificially higher prices for lots sold at public sales.
  19. One who pretends to play a game, or to buy a ticket to an attraction, in order to entice others to join or follow him. Without a good 'shill', an entire 'tip' may stay perfectly still after an 'opening'. ...
  20. Someone who pretends to be someone else, eg, a pharma agent pretending to be a doctor open to persuasion with the truth.  Eg Putz the pharma shill Illuminati shills Art Bell Graham, Billy  NESARA, Rense. [See Shills]
  21. A post on TT advocating a particular position on a particular stock (see also Mindless Shill). 2: A post on TT advertising a Fansite.
  22. A person employed by the casino to begin a game, or to fill empty chairs at a table.
  23. Shills are paid props who help start and maintain poker games.
  24. A house employee who bets money and pretends to be a player to attract customers. Shills typically follow the same rules as the dealer which makes them somewhat easy to spot (ie, they don't Double Down or Split).
  25. A player who plays with casino money to begin a poker table or keep it active.