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shellac 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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shellacs, plural;
  1. Varnish (something) with shellac

  2. Defeat or beat (someone) decisively
    • - they were shellacked in the 1982 election
  1. Lac resin melted into thin flakes, used for making varnish

  2. A thin varnish containing this resin

  1. cover with shellac; "She wanted to shellac the desk to protect it from water spots"
  2. lac purified by heating and filtering; usually in thin orange or yellow flakes but sometimes bleached white
  3. a thin varnish made by dissolving lac in ethanol; used to finish wood
  4. Shellac is a resin secreted by the female lac bug, on trees in the forests of India and Thailand. It is processed and sold as dry flakes (pictured at right), which are dissolved in denatured alcohol to make liquid shellac, which is used as a brush-on colorant, food glaze and wood finish. ...
  5. Shellac (sometimes referred to as Shellac of North America) is an American group composed of Steve Albini (guitar and vocals), Bob Weston (bass guitar and vocals) and Todd Trainer (drums and vocals). ...
  6. A processed secretion of the lac insect, Coccus lacca; used in polishes, varnishes etc; To coat something with shellac; To inflict a heavy defeat; to drub; to batter. Used primarily in sports and political contexts
  7. (SHELLACS) are clear or pigmented coatings formulated solely with the resinous secretions of the lac beetle (laccifer lacca), thinned with alcohol, and formulated to dry by evaporation without a chemical reaction.
  8. A transparent coating made by dissolving lac, a resinous secretion of the lac bug (a scale insect that thrives in tropical countries, especially India), in alcohol.
  9. A coating made from purified lac dissolved in alcohol, often bleached white.
  10. surface coating made from the dark red resinous incrustation produced on certain trees by insect damage.  When melted, strained, and formed into irregular thin plates, it this resin is termed shellac (OED).  Fresh shellac contains waxes and other impurities that give it a brown color. ...
  11. A thick, sticky substance produced by the lac insect, used as imitation lacquer. Also called LAC
  12. is the refined form of a resinous secretion of the tiny lac insect, which is used commercially in an alcohol solution as a wood sealer and finisher, floor polish, protective candy coating, and so forth. ...
  13. A sealer applied to finish floors that both protects and gives shine to the surface.
  14. a liquid used to give a shiny, smooth appearance to wood and other surfaces
  15. A natural resin refined and dissolved in alcohol and used as a wood finish or sealer.
  16. The base of french polish which, when built up in a thickness, acquires a deep lustre. Colour depends on the type used.
  17. commercially cleaned lac made into flakes or sheets.  Lac is the yellowish/reddish-brown resinous substance produced from the epidermal glands of the lac insect, Tacchardia lacca.  Lac is a resin that has many industrial and scientific uses.
  18. is a very widely used single component resin varnish that is alcohol soluble. It is not used for outdoor surfaces or where it will come into repeated contact with water such as around a sink or bathtub. ...
  19. Shellac, also known as E904 is wood sap that has been digested by flies and is left on the bark of trees in a tiny shell like form, the digestion process had turned the sap into an almost pure resin with a only a tiny bit of wax coming from the digestive system of the bug. ...
  20. A resin coating originating in the secretions of insects, which are dissolved in alcohol or a similar solvent.
  21. Shellac is a resinous exudation secreted from the Coccus lacca, commonly known as the Lac beetle after feeding. Lac beetles are a type of scale insect that is found in India and parts of Asia. After the resin is collected, it is cleaned, dried and formed into thin sheets known as Shellac. ...
  22. A resinous varnish obtained from the lac insect and used in japanning.
  23. A wood finish extracted from the secretions of an Asian insect; fast-drying and usually waxed for additional protection.
  24. A material made from Bees (the Lac Bug) used to Seal surfaces from moisture, mildew, etc but primarily used for Interior surfaces
  25. A natural resin derived from insects which is used in French polishing.