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shanghai 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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shanghaiing, present participle; shanghaied, past participle; shanghaied, past tense; shanghais, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Force (someone) to join a ship lacking a full crew by drugging them or using other underhanded means

  2. Coerce or trick (someone) into a place or position or into doing something
    • - Brady shanghaied her into his Jaguar and roared off

  1. take (someone) against his will for compulsory service, especially on board a ship; "The men were shanghaied after being drugged"
  2. the largest city of China; located in the east on the Pacific; one of the largest ports in the world
  3. Shanghai (Shanghainese: Zånhae) is the most populous city in China and one of the most populous cities in the world. A global city, Shanghai exerts influence over global commerce, finance, culture, art, fashion, research and entertainment. ...
  4. Shanghai is a 1935 film distributed by Paramount Pictures, directed by James Flood. The film stars Loretta Young and Charles Boyer.
  5. Shanghai is a mystery thriller film directed by Mikael Håfström, starring John Cusack and Gong Li, and produced by Thai film company Living Films. The film released to cinemas first in China on June 17, 2010. A release date in the United States has not been set yet.
  6. Shanghai is one of the top forty sectors of Santurce, San Juan, Puerto Rico. According to the 2000 United States Census, Shanghai has a population of 11,331 people.
  7. Mahjong solitaire is a solitaire matching game that uses a set of Mahjong tiles rather than cards. It is also known as Shanghai solitaire, electronic or computerized mahjong, MahJong solitaire, solitaire Mahjong and, erroneously, as Mahjong. ...
  8. Shanghaiing refers to the practice of conscripting men as sailors by coercive techniques such as trickery, intimidation, or violence. Those engaged in this form of kidnapping were known as crimps. Until 1915, unfree labor was widely used aboard American merchant ships. ...
  9. Shanghai is a computer game developed by Activision in 1986 for the Amiga, MacIntosh and Apple IIgs and also the Sega Master System.
  10. "(Why Did I Tell You I Was Going To) Shanghai" is a popular song written by Bob Hilliard (lyricist) and Milton De Lugg (composer).
  11. A slingshot; To force or trick (someone) into joining a ship which is lacking a full crew; To abduct or coerce; To commandeer; appropriate; hijack
  12. A port city in China; A type of long-legged chicken believed to be of Asian origin
  13. Shanghai noodles are soft, flattish, fresh wheat noodles. They are found in the refrigerated section of Asian supermarkets. They have a firm texture when cooked and are used in Chinese soups and stir-fries.
  15. ist: Tea and Ancient Strings: Shanghai's guqin shop 18th August 2005
  16. Official efforts have been directed to making Pudong a financial leader by 2010.^[89] Efforts during the 1990s were mixed, but in the early 21st century, Shanghai gained ground. ...
  17. Also known as Era Cues; the recreation of an era or period surroundings during an investigation; playing period music, vintage radio or television shows, playing recordings of a major event or a popular situation that occurred during the correlating time period.
  18. A port city on the East China Sea, Shanghai was opened as
  19. A score of a single, double and triple in the same number. In some games this is an automatic win.
  20. To kidnap, especially for ransom or forced service as a sailor, soldier, slave, or prostitute. A coastal port city in China. From its common practice in that city by Chinese and British in the 18th and 19th centuries.
  21. These noodles are the fat, ropy somewhat spaghetti shaped noodle one sees often in soups and stir-fries. They are pale in color
  22. boys’s weapon of choice. Rubber strap attached to leather stone holder by string.
  23. child's catapult, slingshot.
  24. Large amounts of rice and fish are often used