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serpentine 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Of or like a serpent or snake,
  1. Of or like a serpent or snake
    • - serpentine coils
  2. Winding and twisting like a snake
    • - serpentine country lanes
  3. Complex, cunning, or treacherous
    • - his charm was too subtle and serpentine for me
  1. Move or lie in a winding path or line
    • - fresh tire tracks serpentined back toward the hopper
  1. A dark green mineral consisting of hydrated magnesium silicate, sometimes mottled or spotted like a snake's skin

  2. A thing in the shape of a winding curve or line, in particular

  3. A riding exercise consisting of a series of half-circles made alternately to right and left

  4. A kind of cannon, used esp. in the 15th and 16th centuries

  1. resembling a serpent in form; "a serpentine wall"; "snaky ridges in the sand"
  2. Serpentine is the fourth album by the German gothic metal band Flowing Tears, the second under the moniker Flowing Tears. This album would also be the last album to include Stefanie Duchêne on lead vocals, because she had to leave the band in 2004 due to her pregnancy.
  3. The Serpentine (also known as the Serpentine River) is a 28-acre (11 ha) recreational lake in Hyde Park, London, England, created in 1730. Although it is common to refer to the entire body of water as the Serpentine, strictly the name refers only to the eastern half of the lake. ...
  4. Audio conversion software converts audio file formats from one form into another (for example, from FLAC into MP3). Many include the ability to select encoding parameters for each of the output file formats selected to obtain Voice, CD, Telephony and Radio quality sound.
  5. Serpentine is a 1982 action computer game developed by David Snider and published by Brøderbund.
  6. (Serpentines) The serpentine group describes a group of common rock-forming hydrous magnesium iron phyllosilicate (3) minerals; they may contain minor amounts of other elements including chromium, manganese, cobalt and nickel. ...
  7. (Serpentining) In mathematics, the winding number of a closed curve in the plane around a given point is an integer representing the total number of times that curve travels counterclockwise around the point. ...
  8. Any of several plants believed to cure snakebites; An early form of cannon; A coiled distillation tube; Sinuous; curving in alternate directions; Having the shape or form of a snake; Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of snakes; Of, or having attributes associated with, the mythological ...
  9. Name of the lake in Hyde Park, London
  10. (serpentines) cannons of various bore sizes, used from the fifteenth to the seventeenth century.
  11. A hydrous magnesium silicate (H4Mg3Si2O9). Usually green, lustrous, and translucent, but could also be red, yellow, black or white. Serpentine stone takes a high polish but can crack or discolor easily.
  12. A stone TT  with the appearance of snakeskin and, in Assyrian thought, the ability to protect from snake-bites.
  13. Pertaining to rocks, or soils derived from them, with generally low levels of calcium and other nutrients, and high levels of magnesium, iron, and certain toxic metals; many plant taxa are restricted to or excluded from serpentine.
  14. A mineral composed of Magnesium Iron Silicate Hydroxide that is an important constituent of metamorphic or igneous rocks.
  15. Mg6Si4O10(OH)8. A product of the hydrothermal alteration of olivine and pyroxene.
  16. a metamorphic mineral altered from limestone or basic igneous rocks such as olivine and amphibole. One form of serpentine-chrysolite-is a common source of asbestos.
  17. A rock with a greasy or silky luster and a tough, conchoidal fracture, having a common greenish color and often veined or spotted.
  18. A stone of dull green color that often has a mottled appearance.
  19. Pattern used by beginners during "Waltzing Couples".
  20. Any of a group of greenish, brownish, or yellowish hydrated iron/manganese silicate minerals derived by alteration of igneous or metamorphic ultramafic rocks.
  21. A musical box case that typically has a double curved plan form (double "S").
  22. a dark green mineral (consisting of hydrated magnesium silicate) that is sometimes mottled or spotted like a snake’s skin
  23. Furniture decoration shaped like an s-curve front and or sides
  24. A Mg phyllosilicate, Mg3Si2O5(OH)6, produced by aqueous alteration of olivine, pyroxene and amphibole. It is abundant in the matrixes of CI and CM chondrites.
  25. A common finishing style for the tops of granite markers and monuments. With the flat or oval tops, the serpentine a gentle, stylized arching feature.