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serialize 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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serialized, past tense; serialized, past participle; serializes, 3rd person singular present; serialised, past participle; serializing, present participle; serialising, present participle; serialises, 3rd person singular present; serialised, past tense;
  1. Publish or broadcast (a story or play) in regular installments
    • - sections of the book were serialized in The New Yorker
  2. Arrange (something) in a series

  3. Compose according to the techniques of serialism

  1. arrange serially; "Serialize the numbers"
  2. (serialization) publication in serial form
  3. In computer science, in the context of data storage and transmission, serialization is the process of converting a data structure or object into a sequence of bits so that it can be stored in a file or memory buffer, or transmitted across a network connection link to be "resurrected" later in ...
  4. (Serializable (databases)) In concurrency control of databases, transaction processing (transaction management), and various transactional applications, both centralized and distributed, a transaction schedule (history) is serializable, has the SerializabilityPhilip A. ...
  5. (Serialization (literature)) The term "serial" refers to the intrinsic property of a - namely, its order. ...
  6. To convert an object into a sequence of bytes that can later be converted back into an object with equivalent properties; To write a television program, novel, or other form of entertainment as a sequence of shorter works with a common story
  7. (serializable) (with a small ''s'')- the property of being able to be save and restore state, e.g., to allow persistent object states across application sessions, network connections, etc.
  8. (serialization) Putting a fancy data structure into linear order so that it can be stored as a string in a disk file or database or sent through a pipe. Also called marshalling.
  9. (serialization) The encoding of objects, and the objects reachable from them, into a stream of bytes and the complementary reconstruction of the object graph from the stream.
  10. (Serialization) A sequence of commands that execute orders in a database.
  11. (Serialization) Combining several loans into one account so that the borrower only pays one monthly bill. Original loan terms do not change with serialization.
  12. (Serialization) Software-controlled process of using step-and-repeat to create sequential engraved materials with slightly different information on each. Some examples include room numbers and sequential serial numbers. See step-and-repeat.
  13. (serialization) A copy group attribute that specifies what TSM does if files are modified during back up or archive processing. The value of this attribute determines whether processing continues, is retried, or is stopped. See static, dynamic, shared static, and shared dynamic.
  14. (serialization) The flattening of an N-dimensional data object into a 1-dimensional object so that, for example, the data object can be transmitted over the network as a 1-dimensional bitstream.
  15. (serialization) To create or release a work in serial, installment, or episode form, as to publish or broadcast incrementally. ...
  16. (serialization) You can serialize an object into a byte stream which can then be saved to files or transmitted over the network. You can later deserialize the byte stream, even on different computer, and obtain an object that is the same as the original serialized object.
  17. Synonymous with de-marshal.
  18. (v.) To put potentially concurrent operations in a strictly sequential order. If concurrent processes must claim a lock before doing some operation, for example, then their operations will be serialized.
  19. Encode a data structure as a sequence of bytes.