- tender, romantic, or nostalgic feeling or emotion
- opinion: a personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty; "my opinion differs from yours"; "I am not of your persuasion"; "what are your thoughts on Haiti?"
- A general thought, feeling, or sense
- (Sentiments) (Viva Records, 1999, Platinum Album Award)
- (Sentiments) the feelings, attitudes and beliefs held by group members.
- A level of assessment that determines whether the tone of an article, blog post, tweet, or other content is positive, neutral, or negative.
- The mood of the market. The way that investors as a group perceive a share sector or the market as a whole - are they bullish or bearish?
- PR statisticians try to quantify and measure the positive or negative feelings and/or perceptions a public has about a given subject.
- [n.: "feeling"] The faculty of sensing; ... affection. ... This word is also used in a new way and comes close to meaning affection [a positive, favorable feeling for someone or something]. ...
- Aggregate investor error, either excessive optimism or excessive pessimism.
- Sentiment measures the aggregate portfolio allocation to a given holding. For example, if 140 out of 326 funds own AAPL with a combined total market value in AAPL of $87.5 billion and the combined market values for all holdings across all 326 funds is $5. ...
- Businesses often try to measure the sentiment – or attitude toward brand – of people who post comments about their products, services or company.
- The words on a greeting card - also called copy, verse.
- the prevailing psychology of the crowd. Prices rise in an environment of optimism (bullish sentiment), and they fall in an environment of pessimism (bearish sentiment). ...
- Cognitive perceptions or emotional feelings toward a particular brand or product.
- The general feeling among investors as to which direction the stock market is heading. If the sentiment is that prices are going up, it is said to be bullish; if the sentiment is toward a downward movement, it is bearish. ...
- According to McDougall, this is the tendency toward action caused by two or more instincts being attached to the same object.
- Sentiment is normally referred to as the attitude of user comments related to a brand online. Some social media monitoring tools measure sentiment.
- The attitude of users towards your brands or in their comments.
- A term used to describe the general psychology of investors, i.e., whether the majority are bullish or bearish. It is followed closely by contrarians (see "Contrarian"), who assume the consensus is always wrong - which they are, eventually. ...
- Sentiment is the feeling or mood of market participants (i.e. crowd psychology). Major market turning points can be accompanied by highly skewed sentiment, with extreme negativity (bearishness) seen at market bottoms and extreme enthusiasm (bullishness) at market tops.
- (N) -a mental feeling; emotion.