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seniority 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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The fact or state of being older or higher in position or status than someone else,
  1. The fact or state of being older or higher in position or status than someone else
    • - one by one, in order of seniority, employees' names were called
  2. A privileged position earned by reason of longer service or higher rank
    • - pay and benefits rise with seniority

  1. higher rank than that of others especially by reason of longer service
  2. longevity: the property of being long-lived
  3. Seniority is the concept of a person or group of people being in charge or in command of another person or group. ...
  4. In finance, seniority refers to the order of repayment in the event of bankruptcy. Senior debt must be repaid before subordinated debt is repaid . Bonds that have the same seniority in a company's capital structure are described as being pari passu.
  5. A measure of the amount of time a person has been a member of an organization, as compared to other members, and with an eye towards awarding privileges to those who have been members longer
  6. The length of time an employee has been with an organization, which may be used for deciding on promotions and lay-offs.
  7. A listing of workers in order of length of service or time worked. Employers often use seniority to decide who will be promoted, laid off or recalled. Seniority is usually applied across the bargaining unit, but it may be limited to a department or classification. See Service.
  8. Length of service as bearing on duties or functions.
  9. Continuous time in State service as a classified employee (122.02)
  10. A term used to designate an employee’s status relative to other employees in determining the order in which they will be considered for promotion, transfer, lay-off, etc. ...
  11. Relative ranking of employees based on their length of employment. This may be state service, department service in a specific classification or work location in a specific classification.
  12. Seniority is based on length of time one has served in the House or Senate. With seniority come certain privileges such as preferential treatment in the assigning of committees, and appointment of chairmanship of said committees.
  13. A member's rank in a chamber based on length of congressional service and other factors, including tenure in certain other elected offices. Often used to determine rank on committees.
  14. Continuous length of service as an employee of Gannon as defined by Human Resources.
  15. Length of service with an employer. Based on their seniority, preference can be accorded to employees in such areas as promotion, transfer, shift assignment, scheduling, vacation accrual, layoff, recall, etc. top
  16. Precedence or preference in position over others similarly situated. As used, for example, with reference to job seniority, the worker with the most years of service is first promoted within a range of jobs subject to seniority, and is the last laid off, proceeding so on down the line to the ...
  17. The length of an employee s service with the organisation in relation to other employees.
  18. a worker's length of service with an employer relative to the length of service of other workers. Contracts frequently use seniority to determine layoffs, promotions, recalls, and transfers.
  19. an informal congressional rule by which the chairman of a committee is automatically the member from the majority party who has served the longest on the committee.
  20. The order in time in which documents are recorded. The first lien recorded is the "First," the next is the "Second," etc. Recording, not when notes are created, is what counts. In the event of foreclosure, the lien foreclosing is paid first and the leftover funds, if any, go to the juniors. ...
  21. A system whereby workers who have been employed for a longer period of time are granted better job security or higher wages or other benefits.