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semaphore 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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semaphores, plural;
  1. Send (a message) by semaphore or by signals resembling semaphore
    • - Josh stands facing the rear and semaphoring the driver's intentions
  1. A system of sending messages by holding the arms or two flags or poles in certain positions according to an alphabetic code

  2. A signal sent by semaphore

  3. An apparatus for signaling in this way, consisting of an upright with movable parts

  1. an apparatus for visual signaling with lights or mechanically moving arms
  2. send signals by or as if by semaphore
  3. convey by semaphore, of information
  4. Semaphore is the second studio album by Fridge, released on 16 March 1998.
  5. In computer science, a semaphore is a protected variable or abstract data type that constitutes a classic method of controlling access by several processes to a common resource in a parallel programming environment. A semaphore generally takes one of two forms: binary and counting. ...
  6. Semaphore is the 2004 7" single by the New Zealand post-rock band Jakob. The title track is taken from the album and the b-side is a previously unreleased track taken from the initial (abandoned) Cale:Drew recording session. Semaphore was written during the sessions for Subsets of Sets.
  7. (Semaphores) Turn signals used before flashers were in general usage, these arms pop-up from the body of the vehicle and lights up via a small bulb to indicate you wish to turn.  Used through the 1960 models in Europe and else where.  Until 1955 in the USA.  Also see Winker.
  8. (Semaphores) When a work process locks a resource, it sets a semaphore. Another work process that also wants to access it must then wait.
  9. (Semaphores) and locks of all sorts relieve you of needing to implement common locking techniques.
  10. (Semaphores) messages sent when a file is opened that prevent other users from opening the same file at the same time and compromising the integrity of the data
  11. (semaphores) Early bugs and buses had "semaphore" turn signal indicators, instead of the more "modern" turn signal lights that came later. ...
  12. Semaphores protect shared resources by controlling the number of user transactions that can be run in parallel. The default number of semaphores in a ServiceNow node is 4.
  13. A fancy kind of interlock that prevents multiple threads or processes from using up the same resources simultaneously.
  14. (n.) A data type for controlling concurrency. A semaphore can be initialised to any non negative integer value. ...
  15. A synchronization primitive that is used to lock critical sections so that the section is used exclusively by the thread that locked it.
  16. A method of signaling using two flags held in position by the signaler.
  17. a lock mechanism that works per process context, see SMPSynchronisation
  18. a visual signaling system, such as using flags or lights; based on clock-hands, as developed by Albert J. Myer during the early 19th century. See WIGWAG, BURGEE.
  19. A token passed between two or more devices and used for sharing a common resource.
  20. In CMS Multitasking, a variable with an associated wait queue used by threads to control access to a shared resource. CMS Multitasking blocks and unblocks threads on the semaphore's wait queue, but it does not control access to the resource. See also mutex.
  21. is a counting signal. It maintains a set of permits. The “parking garage” can be a good analogy as an example to explain it. We can imagine that the permits in a semaphore are similar to the permits required to park in a parking garage with limited capacity. ...
  22. for communication at a distance where there is visual contact but not auditory contact - a code in which the pattern of the positions of two flags represent the letters of the alphabet.
  23. A Kernel object used to synchronise co-operating threads in Symbian OS. Access to the semaphore is through an RSemaphore handle.
  24. An international method of communicating using two signal flags. Its usefulness and value will become readily apparent in any situation where medium-distance communication (up to a kilometre per relay stage) is required, and radio, phone, and cell phone technology are temporarily unavailable.
  25. Mutual exclusion abstraction that uses two atomic operations (P and V) to access a protected integer variable that determines if threads may enter their critical sections.