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sell 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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selling, present participle; sold, past participle; sells, 3rd person singular present; sold, past tense;
  1. Give or hand over (something) in exchange for money
    • - they had sold the car
    • - the family business had been sold off
    • - I was trying to sell him my butterfly collection
  2. Have a stock of (something) available for sale
    • - the store sells hi-fis, TVs, videos, and other electrical goods
  3. (of a thing) Be purchased
    • - this magazine of yours won't sell
  4. (of a publication or recording) Attain sales of (a specified number of copies)
    • - the album sold 6 million copies in the U.S
  5. Be available for sale at (a specified price)
    • - these antiques sell for about $375
  6. Sell all of one's stock of something
    • - they had nearly sold out of the initial run of 75,000 copies
  7. Be all sold
    • - it was clear that the performances would not sell out
  8. (of a product) Be purchased by a customer from a retail outlet

  9. Sell all of one's property, possessions, or assets
    • - Ernest sold up and retired
  10. Have sex in exchange for money
    • - if she was going to sell herself then it would be as well not to come too cheap
  11. Offer (something) dishonorably for money or other reward; make a matter of corrupt bargaining
    • - do not your lawyers sell all their practice, as your priests their prayers?
  12. Betray someone for one's own financial or material benefit
    • - the clansmen became tenants and the chiefs sold them out
  13. Abandon one's principles for reasons of expedience
    • - the prime minister has come under fire for selling out to the U.S
  14. Persuade someone of the merits of
    • - he sold the idea of making a film about Tchaikovsky
    • - he could get work but he just won't sell himself
  15. Be the reason for (something) being bought
    • - what sells CDs to most people is convenience
  16. Cause (someone) to become enthusiastic about
    • - I'm just not sold on the idea
  17. Trick or deceive (someone)
    • - what we want is to go out of here quiet, and talk this show up, and sell the rest of the town
  1. An act of selling or attempting to sell something
    • - the excitement of scientific achievement is too subtle a sell to stir the public
  2. A disappointment, typically one arising from being deceived as to the merits of something
    • - actually, Hawaii's a bit of a sell

  1. exchange or deliver for money or its equivalent; "He sold his house in January"; "She sells her body to survive and support her drug habit"
  2. the activity of persuading someone to buy; "it was a hard sell"
  3. be sold at a certain price or in a certain way; "These books sell like hot cakes"
  4. persuade somebody to accept something; "The French try to sell us their image as great lovers"
  5. deal: do business; offer for sale as for one's livelihood; "She deals in gold"; "The brothers sell shoes"
  6. give up for a price or reward; "She sold her principles for a successful career"
  7. SELL (Syndicat des éditeurs de logiciels de loisirs) is a French organisation that promotes the interests of video game developers. The group mainly distributes information about video game professionals to authorities and consumers. ...
  8. Professional wrestling has accrued a considerable amount of slang, in-references, and jargon. Much of it stems from the industry's origins in the days of carnivals and circuses, and the slang itself is often referred to as "carny talk. ...
  9. (Selling) Sales means exchange of values.
  10. (Sold (album)) Sold is the debut solo album by British pop rock / soul singer Boy George, released in 1987, for Virgin Music label, including the following hit singles, "Everything I Own" (UK#1), "Keep Me In Mind" (UK#29), "To Be Reborn" (UK#13), and the title track "Sold" (UK#24).
  11. (Sold (Brendan Gullifer novel)) Sold is the debut novel by Australian writer and journalist Brendan Gullifer, published in April 2009 by Sleepers Publishing.
  12. (Sold (novel)) Sold is a novel by Patricia McCormick, published in 2006. It tells the story of a girl from Nepal named Lakshmi, who is sold into Sexual slavery in India. The novel is written in a series of short, vignette-style chapters, from the point of view of the main character.
  13. An act of selling; An easy task; To agree to transfer goods or provide services in exchange for money; To be sold; To promote a particular viewpoint; To trick, cheat, or manipulate someone; To pretend that an opponent's blows or maneuvers are causing legitimate injury; to act
  14. (Selling) 0 comment(s) | 662 view(s)
  15. (Selling) Asking someone to accept and adopt what is being offered. Offering is not the same as selling; it becomes selling when what is offered is accepted and put to use. Should seem obvious, but it is not obvious to everyone.
  16. (Selling) Close, Buyer, Deal, Guarantee, Bulk, Sales Rep
  17. (Selling) The art of making your opponents move and the emotion of the match seem real, selling is basically the art of looking hurt, pissed off or anything else that's supposed to come across, short term selling can be bumping hard for impacts or looking like your cartilage is being ripped from ...
  18. (Selling) The process of assisting and/or persuading a prospective customer to buy a good or service or to act favorably on an idea.
  19. (Selling) betting on prices you expect to drop.
  20. (Selling) making any aspect of wrestling seem believable whether it be moves in the ring or outlandish comments on the microphone. Ex. The wrestler fell backwards, selling the force of the punch.
  21. (Selling) to the Australian Government
  22. (selling) That style of situational leadership in which leaders state the problem and decide what to do, but they sell the other group members on the idea to gain majority support. (ch 11) (386)
  23. HEDGE — Selling futures contracts to protect against possible decreased prices of commodities which will be sold in the future.
  24. Selling can be presented as your employment, as in selling to others in a retail environment; or it can be more personal, as in selling your possessions. Obviously, if your waking livelihood includes sales, dreams of selling will not be unusual. ...
  25. (“Sold”) This indicates the property has been sold to a buyer. Sold in this case means the transaction has closed — title/deed have been transferred to a new owner.