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scum 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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A layer of dirt or froth on the surface of a liquid,
  1. (of a liquid) Become covered with a layer of dirt or froth
    • - the lagoon scummed over
  2. Form a layer of dirt or froth on (a liquid)
    • - litter scummed the surface of the harbor
  1. A layer of dirt or froth on the surface of a liquid
    • - green scum found on stagnant pools
  2. A worthless or contemptible person or group of people
    • - you drug dealers are the scum of the earth

  1. remove the scum from
  2. trash: worthless people
  3. a film of impurities or vegetation that can form on the surface of a liquid
  4. Scum is the third studio album by English punk rock band the Anti-Nowhere League and the first album of new material released since the original band's breakup ten years previously. ...
  5. Scum is a hardcore punk/black metal band formed in 2002 with members from Amen, Emperor, Zyklon and Turbonegro. All members are Norwegian except for American vocalist Casey Chaos. According to the band, their idea is to play "black metal with a real punk rock attitude".
  6. Scum is a 1979 film directed by Alan Clarke, portraying the brutality of life inside a British borstal. The story was originally made for the BBC's Play for Today strand in 1977, however due to the violence depicted in the film, it was banned from broadcast. ...
  7. "Scum" is a song by Meat Puppets, released as the first promotional single from the No Joke! record. It only holds the title song.
  8. A 1977 TV film written by Roy Minton and Directed by Alan Clarke.
  9. A layer of impurities that accumulates at the surface of a liquid (especially molten metal or water); A greenish water vegetation (such as algae), usually found floating on the surface of ponds; The topmost liquid layer of a cesspool or septic tank; (derogatory, slang) A person or persons ...
  10. (scumming) The accumulation of sticky ink on a plate
  11. (Scumming (or Scuzzing)) To gain purchase on the rock with body parts other than the hands or feet, however tenuous or aesthetically displeasing.
  12. (SCUMMING) Seen on printed matter as parts of the image becoming blurred and flecks of ink appearing in non-image areas.
  13. (Scumming) A term used to describe the condition resulting when any non-image area of the plate tends to take ink. There can be any number of causes.
  14. (Scumming) Common crack-climbing technique of using some body part frictioned against the rock (i.e. hip scumming, butt scumming, etc.). Full-body scumming can be helpful when mantling onto a ledge with no useful holds above.
  15. (Scumming) The non-image area of a printing plate attracts ink. This unwanted ink will print on a sheet and give a dirty background appearance. The problem is usually fixed by adjusting the ink/water balance on the press
  16. (scumming) A term referring to the press plate picking up ink in the non-printing areas for a variety of reasons, basically due to spots or areas not remaining desensitized.
  17. (scumming) Modified, from Jherek: "Scumming is generally any avoidable action that gets you an advantage through tedium, with no danger and no skill needed. Generally, most forms of scumming are not considered cheating. Some are cheating, but for other reasons. ...
  18. Unwanted ink marks in the non-image area.
  19. To dream of scum, signifies disappointment will be experienced by you over social defeats.
  20. Used across Britain, as an insult to say that the police are lower than the criminals.
  21. The extraneous or foreign matter which rises to the surface of the water and forms a layer or a film there. It can also be a residue deposited on the tile or walls of the pool or spa. Sources of scum are soap, oil, deodorant, hair spray, suntan lotions and others.
  22. Floatable material in wastewater made up of mainly fats, cooking oil and grease which are skimmed off during the treatment process.
  23. An undesirable film of thick ink in non-image areas; also called blush, catch up, haze, and toning. Scumming may appear on portions of a sheet or across the entire sheet, and results from poor ink/water balance. ...
  24. In offset-lithography, a film of ink printing in the non-image areas of the plate where it should not print.
  25. vb. To use a body part besides the hands or the feet to ascend or stay on the rock. Sometimes thought of as bad form, but can be used to negotiate a key rest on a long route. Ex. I would've fallen if I hadn't been able to scum with the top of my head on that roof and shake my arms out.