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scrunch 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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scrunching, present participle; scrunched, past tense; scrunches, 3rd person singular present; scrunched, past participle;
  1. Make a loud crunching noise
    • - crisp yellow leaves scrunched underfoot
  2. Crush or squeeze (something) into a compact mass
    • - Gloria scrunched the handkerchief into a ball
  3. Become crushed or squeezed in such a way
    • - their faces scrunch up with concentration
  4. Style (hair) by squeezing or crushing it in the hands to give a tousled look

  1. A loud crunching noise
    • - Charlotte heard the scrunch of boots on gravel

  1. a crunching noise
  2. crump: make a noise typical of an engine lacking lubricants
  3. squat: sit on one's heels; "In some cultures, the women give birth while squatting"; "The children hunkered down to protect themselves from the sandstorm"
  4. wrinkle: make wrinkles or creases on a smooth surface; make a pressed, folded or wrinkled line in; "The dress got wrinkled"; "crease the paper like this to make a crane"
  5. (Scrunching) a technique to help with boosting your hair’s natural curl or wave pattern. You can use the scrunching technique on wet or dry hair. Scrunching is taking sections of your hair and crumple them into your hand and work up towards your scalp. ...
  6. (Scrunching) Technique used to enhance existing waves and curls. To scrunch hair, place a small amount of mousse or gel in to the palm of the hand and rub together. Gather a section of hair at the tips and scrunch upwards toward the scalp (like crumpling up a piece of paper). ...