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scrimp 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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scrimped, past participle; scrimps, 3rd person singular present; scrimping, present participle; scrimped, past tense;
  1. Be thrifty or parsimonious; economize
    • - I have scrimped and saved to give you a good education

  1. subsist on a meager allowance; "scratch and scrimp"
  2. A pinching miser; a niggard; To make too small or short; to scant; to contract; to shorten; To limit or straiten; to put on short allowance; To be frugal; Short; scanty; curtailed
  3. the result of fabric being folded or creased when passing through tenter frames.
  4. Acronym for Seemans Composite Resin Infusion Molding Process a vacuum process to combine resin and reinforcement in an open mold.
  5. To scant; scrimpet, scanty;