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scrawl 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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scrawled, past participle; scrawls, 3rd person singular present; scrawling, present participle; scrawled, past tense;
  1. Write (something) in a hurried, careless way
    • - Charlie scrawled his signature
    • - he was scrawling on the back of a used envelope
  1. An example of hurried, careless writing
    • - the page was covered in scrawls and doodles
    • - reams of handwritten scrawl
  2. A note or message written in this way
    • - Duncan read the scrawl, then passed it to her

  1. scribble: poor handwriting
  2. scribble: write carelessly
  3. Scrawl is a musical trio based in Columbus, Ohio. The founding members are Marcy Mays (lead vocals, guitar, songwriting), Sue Harshe (bass guitar, backing vocals, songwriting), and Carolyn O'Leary (drums). ...
  4. An Irregular, possibly illegible handwriting; A hastily, or carelessly written note etc; To write something hastily or illegibly; To write in an irregular or illegible manner
  5. (scrawling) Something scrawled