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scrag 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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scragged, past tense; scrags, 3rd person singular present; scragging, present participle; scragged, past participle;
  1. Handle roughly; beat up

  2. Kill, esp. by strangling or hanging

  1. An unattractively thin person or animal

  2. A person's neck

  1. garrote: strangle with an iron collar; "people were garrotted during the Inquisition in Spain"
  2. thin person: a person who is unusually thin and scrawny
  3. lean end of the neck
  4. choke: wring the neck of; "The man choked his opponent"
  5. A thin or scrawny person or animal. [from the 16th c.]; The lean end of a neck of mutton; the scrag end; The neck, especially of a sheep; A scrog; (slang) A rough or unkempt woman; (colloquial) To hang on a gallows, or to strangle or garotte or choke; To harass, to manhandle; To kill or ...
  6. beat up, especially by wringing the neck of.
  7. To straighten a spring, etc., which has been bent, by pushing, in the bulge and releasing.
  8. The scrag is a cheap cut of lamb from the neck.  It works very well in stocks, stew or casseroles.
  9. A sort of flying creature that shoots energy projectiles. (Also known as wizards.)