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scoff 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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scoffed, past participle; scoffs, 3rd person singular present; scoffing, present participle; scoffed, past tense;
  1. Eat (something) quickly and greedily
    • - she scoffed down several chops
    • - a lizard scoffing up insects
  1. Food

  1. jeer: showing your contempt by derision
  2. jeer: laugh at with contempt and derision; "The crowd jeered at the speaker"
  3. treat with contemptuous disregard; "flout the rules"
  4. The SCOFF questionnaire utilizes an acronym in a simple five question test devised for use by non-professionals to assess the possible presence of an eating disorder. It was devised by Morgan et al. in 1999. ...
  5. (scoffed) To scoff means to laugh or to jeer, to disregard what someone is saying or doing.
  6. used both as a noun and a verb, food and to eat food. An excellent word to describe the eating behaviors of most adolescents and some relatives. "John, it took me hours to prepare that dinner. Don't just scoff it down!"
  7. is a hippopotamus who originated in Donkey Kong 64. Scoff is a friend of Troff and ally of the Kongs. The Kongs had to feed Scoff bananas in order to proceed to the boss.
  8. song #8 on Bleach. Chad Channing played drums on this track. Written by Kurt Cobain.