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schmooze 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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schmoozed, past participle; schmoozes, 3rd person singular present; schmoozing, present participle; schmoozed, past tense;
  1. Talk intimately and cozily; gossip

  2. Talk in such a way to (someone), typically in order to manipulate, flatter, or impress them

  1. A long and intimate conversation

  1. chat: an informal conversation
  2. shmooze: talk idly or casually and in a friendly way
  3. This is a list of English words of Yiddish origin, many of which have entered the English language by way of American English. Spelling of some of these Yiddish language words may be variable (for example, schlep is also seen as shlep, schnoz as shnozz, and so on). ...
  4. A casual conversation, especially one held in order to gain an advantage or make a social connection; To talk casually, especially in order to gain an advantage or make a social connection
  5. to socialize; to go to a party and talk, especially when related to business.
  6. (Yid.) intimate chat [n]; persuade [v]
  7. To gossip, chat up, blarney.
  8. to converse informally, make small talk or chat (from Yiddish שמועסן shmuesn 'converse', from Hebrew shəmūʿōth 'reports, gossip') (OED, MW)
  9. to converse informally, to small talk or chat. Can also be a form of brown-noseing (from Yiddishשמועסן shmuesn — cf. German schmusen).The word has been somewhat popularised by Sir Alan Sugar (himself Jewish) on the BBC TV series The Apprentice.