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Collins Definition
Web Definitions:
- skeptic: someone who habitually doubts accepted beliefs
- (sceptical) doubting: marked by or given to doubt; "a skeptical attitude"; "a skeptical listener"
- (sceptical) disbelieving: denying or questioning the tenets of especially a religion; "a skeptical approach to the nature of miracles"
- (sceptically) with scepticism; in a sceptical manner; "he looked at her sceptically"
- (scepticism) agnosticism: the disbelief in any claims of ultimate knowledge
- Contemporary skepticism (or scepticism) is loosely used to denote any questioning attitude, or some degree of doubt regarding claims that are elsewhere taken for granted.
- Sceptic is a Polish death metal band from Kraków.
- (Scepticism (philosophy)) Philosophical skepticism (from Greek σκέψις - skepsis meaning "enquiry" - UK spelling, scepticism) is both a philosophical school of thought and a method that crosses disciplines and cultures. ...
- (Scepticism) Scientific skepticism means that scientific claims must be exposed to critical scrutiny before being accepted.
- (Scepticism) The view that nothing can be known with certainty; that at best, there can only be some private probable opinion. (PDP-502)
- A person inclined to discount the reality of the paranormal and to be critical of parapsychological research. Generally seeks rational or scientific explanations for the phenomena studied by parapsychologists.
- One who instinctively doubts, questions, or disagrees with assertions or generally accepted conclusions. In parapsychology, one who insists on ruling out all possible natural causes for a phenomenon.
- A person having doubts about religion or other matters.