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scarify 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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scarifies, 3rd person singular present; scarified, past tense; scarified, past participle; scarifying, present participle;
  1. Frighten
    • - a scarifying mix of extreme violence and absurdist humor

  1. puncture and scar (the skin), as for purposes or tribal identification or rituals; "The men in some African tribes scarify their faces"
  2. scratch the surface of; "scarify seeds"
  3. break up; "scarify soil"
  4. Scarifying involves scratching, etching, or superficially cutting designs, pictures, or words into the skin as a permanent body modification.
  5. (Scarification (botany)) Scarification in botany involves cutting the seed coat using abrasion, thermal stress, or chemicals to encourage germination.
  6. To scar; Denude, or lay waste to; To remove thatch (build-up of organic matter on the soil) from a lawn, to de-thatch
  7. (scarified) damaged, barren, denuded, scarred, wasted
  8. (SCARIFYING) Disruption of the smooth surface of concrete by creating scars, dents and a generally rough surface to remove any chemical bond inhibitors and permit the acceptance of bonding, sealing, adhesive or other coating materials.
  9. (SCARIFYING) This is scratching or notching the seat coat to speed germination on some hard seeds. Catalogs will usually tell you when this is helpful.
  10. (Scarifying) The systematic disruption or loosening of the top of a road or other surface by mechanical or other means.
  11. (Scarifying) Using a spring-tooth rake to pull out moss and dead vegetation from a lawn.
  12. (Scarification) Nicking or chipping a seed to aid in germination.
  13. (Scarification) superficial incision in the skin.
  14. (SCARIFICATION) Breaking up the organic surface layer of the ground to expose mineral soil.  This is done to allow the seeds of certain tree species to successfully germinate in order to achieve good forest regeneration.  Pronounced SCARE-ification, not SCAR-ification.
  15. (Scarification (Soil)) Seedbed preparation to make a site more amenable to plant growth.
  16. (Scarification) Erasure of the external integuments of the seeds, using mechanical or chemical methods, in order to encourage water absorption and gas exchange.
  17. (Scarification) Involves methods that break the hard seed-coat or soften it using chemicals. These methods allow water and air to penetrate and this can help break dormancy so the seeds will germinate. [4]
  18. (Scarification) Mechanical removal of competing vegetation and/or interfering debris, or disturbance of the soil surface, designed to enhance reforestation.
  19. (Scarification) Scratching the hardened road bed with equipment teeth.  This softens it to allow vegetative growth, usually grasses or trees, during road decommissioning.
  20. (Scarification) Shallow loosening of the soil surface (22).
  21. (Scarification) The act of abrading, scratching, loosening, crushing, or modifying the surface to increase water absorption or to provide a more tillable soil.
  22. (Scarification) The artistic application of applying scars.
  23. (Scarification) This is the act of scraping or rubbing a seed with a file or sandpaper in order to soften the hard outer shell.  This makes it easier for the seed to germinate and faster, especially if soaked in water.  If the seed is really tough it can be nicked. ...
  24. (Scarification) This refers to the process of literally damaging the seed coat. Some seeds are so well protected by their seed coat that the seedling is not able to break through it on its own. ...
  25. (Scarification) To create a design on or in the skin by making shallow cuts. Sometimes the lines are rubbed with a coloring agent, most often tattoo ink, to highlight the marks and any resultant scar tissue. Also known as cutting, cicatrice or cicatrization.