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scant 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Barely sufficient or adequate,
  1. Barely sufficient or adequate
    • - companies with scant regard for the safety of future generations
  2. Barely amounting to a specified number or quantity
    • - she weighed a scant two pounds
  1. Provide grudgingly or in insufficient amounts
    • - he does not scant his attention to the later writings
  2. Deal with inadequately; neglect
    • - the press regularly scants a host of issues relating to safety and health

  1. light: less than the correct or legal or full amount often deliberately so; "a light pound"; "a scant cup of sugar"; "regularly gives short weight"
  2. skimp: work hastily or carelessly; deal with inadequately and superficially
  3. limit in quality or quantity
  4. stint: supply sparingly and with restricted quantities; "sting with the allowance"
  5. (scantness) meagerness: the quality of being meager; "an exiguity of cloth that would only allow of miniature capes"-George Eliot
  6. A block of stone sawn on two sides down to the bed level; A sheet of stone; A slightly thinner measurement of a standard wood size; very little, very few
  7. (scantly) Done in a way that is slightly lacking, that is scant of how much should be provided
  8. (scants) A type of underwear worn by men
  9. When the wind is very bare; when the wind comes so that a vessel will barely lie her course.
  10. As in "scant teaspoon," not quite full.
  11. Recipes commonly use the term "a scant teaspoon or cup" of an ingredient.  Scant means "just barely".
  12. Cheaper 'planed all round' (PAR) white wood, mass produced for general carpentry work, such as partitioning or sub framework.
  13. just shy of the full measure (i.e. a scant cup of butter)
  14. Barely sufficient or adequate. So if a recipe calls for “Scant 1 cup sugar”, that means just barely under 1 cup. Don’t fill it quite to the top!