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scandalize 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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scandalized, past tense; scandalising, present participle; scandalized, past participle; scandalised, past participle; scandalizing, present participle; scandalised, past tense; scandalises, 3rd person singular present; scandalizes, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Shock or horrify (someone) by a real or imagined violation of propriety or morality
    • - their lack of manners scandalized their hosts
  2. Reduce the area of (a fore-and-aft sail) by lowering the head or raising the boom

  1. shock: strike with disgust or revulsion; "The scandalous behavior of this married woman shocked her friends"
  2. (scandalization) the condition of being shocked (as by improper behavior)
  3. (scandalization) the act of scandalizing
  4. To shock someone; To be offensive to someone
  5. (scandalized) shocked or horrified by something considered immoral or improper
  6. To reduce the area and efficiency of a sail by expedient means (slacking the peak and tricing up the tack) without properly reefing, thus slowing boat speed. Also used in the past as a sign of mourning.
  7. On a gaff rig the sail is made loose footed, the clew is brought forward along the boom and the sail cloth is drawn up in folds along the gaff and mast. From this position the sail is instantly available for use. ...