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satiate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Satisfied to the full; satiated,
  1. Satisfied to the full; satiated

  1. fill to satisfaction; "I am sated"
  2. gorge: overeat or eat immodestly; make a pig of oneself; "She stuffed herself at the dinner"; "The kids binged on ice cream"
  3. (satiation) repletion: the state of being satisfactorily full and unable to take on more
  4. (satiation) the act of achieving full gratification
  5. Satiate is the first album released by Avail in 1992. Satiate was originally released on the band's own Catheter-Assemby Records, then re-released on Lookout! Records in either 1993 or 1994, depending on the source of the information.
  6. (Satiates) Cholecystokinin (CCK or CCK-PZ; from Greek chole, "bile"; cysto, "sac"; kinin, "move"; hence, move the bile-sac (gallbladder)) is a peptide hormone of the gastrointestinal system responsible for stimulating the digestion of fat and protein. ...
  7. (satiated) Pleasantly satisfied or full, as with food
  8. (13. Satiation) A technique whereby a student practices an inappropriate behavior until that behavior has a negative appeal to him. Example: for throwing a spitball a child might be required to make and spit a thousand spitballs, until he "satiates" his desire for that activity.
  9. (Satiation) Decline in the effectiveness of a reinforcing stimulus due to excess exposure to it or repeated presentation of it. If an organism is satiated with a particular reinforcer, its value declines and it is not as powerful a reinforcer as a result. ...
  10. (Satiation) Reinforcement that loses its value because it has occurred so frequently
  11. (Satiation) The effectiveness of a consequence will be reduced if the individual's "appetite" for that source of stimulation has been satisfied. Inversely, the effectiveness of a consequence will increase as the individual becomes deprived of that stimulus. ...
  12. (Satiation) The marginal value a person gets from each commodity falls with the number of units. This is also called convexity. If one has much of something, one is not very happy with even more (but, according to the previous assumption, still a little).
  13. (Satiation) The strength of a response can decrease as a result of overuse of a reinforcer.
  14. (Satiation) Used to describe animals which have been fed to the limit i.e. they will not eat any more.
  15. (satiation) The feeling of fullness achieved during food consumption that promotes the termination of eating during a meal.
  16. (v) - to feed fully; satisfy fully; to disgust with too much; glut, cloy
  17. [Jer 31:14; Jer 46:10] to fill; to satisfy appetite or desire; to feed to the full, or to furnish enjoyment to the extent of desire. To gratify desire to the utmost.
  18. (v) qandırırģa, siŋdirirgе, toydururģa