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sandpaper 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Paper with sand or another abrasive stuck to it, used for smoothing or polishing woodwork or other surfaces,
  1. Smooth with sandpaper

  1. Paper with sand or another abrasive stuck to it, used for smoothing or polishing woodwork or other surfaces

  2. Used to refer to something that feels rough or has a very rough surface

  1. emery paper: stiff paper coated with powdered emery or sand
  2. rub with sandpaper; "sandpaper the wooden surface"
  3. Sandpaper or glasspaper is a form of paper where an abrasive material has been fixed to its surface.
  4. a strong paper coated with sand or other abrasive material for smoothing and polishing; a sheet of such paper; To polish or grind (a surface) with or as if with sandpaper
  5. typically used in workworking, but useful in templates for quilting. A shape can be cut from sandpaper and used to mark fabric.
  6. A traditional name for coated abrasives that refers to early forms that used sand glued to paper. Most products now use synthetic minerals of aluminum oxide or silicon carbide applied to fabric backings. More appropriately called coated abrasive.
  7. Newspaper designed to be read on the beach
  8. Keep a few sheets of 150 grit paper handy to smooth out the wood putty when it dries.
  9. this is used for sanding timber to be coated or to sand previously applied coats of paint. The different types are defined by a number which refers to the number of the mesh of the sieve contained in a square inch and through which abrasive grains, identified by such number, have passed. ...
  10. Small choppy waves over shallows.
  11. Sand that is glued to paper to create different surface textures on wood.